Chronic pain - Both Arms

Posted by antiquetx @antiquetx, Sep 25, 2022

Anyone out there experiencing sore muscle-like pain in BOTH arms.

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Hello @antiquetx, Welcome to Connect. I have times when both arms have an ache like pain but not a sharp throbbing pain. Mine usually occurs the next day when I've over done an activity or too much exercise and usually goes away with some rest.

Did the pain you are experiencing come on suddenly unrelated to any activities? How long have you had the arm pain?


@antiquetx YES. I live with that, and much more, everyday. My pain is complicated, and my story long, so I'll spare you the details. Anything you'd like to know in particular that we can help you with? So sorry you're suffering...praying relief finds you soon!


Hello @antiquetx, Welcome to Connect. I have times when both arms have an ache like pain but not a sharp throbbing pain. Mine usually occurs the next day when I've over done an activity or too much exercise and usually goes away with some rest.

Did the pain you are experiencing come on suddenly unrelated to any activities? How long have you had the arm pain?

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Good morning @johnbishop, and @antiquetx. I just opened Connect and saw your post about arm pain. I dealt with similar symptoms for several years, thinking it was from the surgeries I had on both shoulders. Boy, was I wrong! One day, my surgeon noticed me rubbing my arms and asked about the situation. I told him the story and he grabbed me by the hand and said, "We are going to X-ray". On the way down the hall.....he said, "Chris, this is your neck". And it was. He contacted his colleague, the neck surgeon, and they decided to move quickly. The shoulder surgery was canceled and the cervical spine surgery was scheduled immediately.

What a relief. The arm pain just disappeared. Of course, I had to wear a neck brace for 3 months to make sure the fusions healed correctly. I only threw it across the room once and I wore it night and day.

This is just an idea to evaluate.
May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Good morning @johnbishop, and @antiquetx. I just opened Connect and saw your post about arm pain. I dealt with similar symptoms for several years, thinking it was from the surgeries I had on both shoulders. Boy, was I wrong! One day, my surgeon noticed me rubbing my arms and asked about the situation. I told him the story and he grabbed me by the hand and said, "We are going to X-ray". On the way down the hall.....he said, "Chris, this is your neck". And it was. He contacted his colleague, the neck surgeon, and they decided to move quickly. The shoulder surgery was canceled and the cervical spine surgery was scheduled immediately.

What a relief. The arm pain just disappeared. Of course, I had to wear a neck brace for 3 months to make sure the fusions healed correctly. I only threw it across the room once and I wore it night and day.

This is just an idea to evaluate.
May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with me. May I ask what the
surgery was that they did on your cervical spine. I would like to do some research.


Hello @antiquetx, Welcome to Connect. I have times when both arms have an ache like pain but not a sharp throbbing pain. Mine usually occurs the next day when I've over done an activity or too much exercise and usually goes away with some rest.

Did the pain you are experiencing come on suddenly unrelated to any activities? How long have you had the arm pain?

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Hi John,
My arm pain is like I have done a heavy workout and have the resulting extreme pain... more like a sharp soreness when I try to move. Lifting anything without supporting the lifting arm is painful and the arm goes weak (I drop things). If I keep the arms at rest, they then go to an
ache. Hard to explain. This condition started about 1-½ years ago all of a sudden.. I have had several pain killers prescribed which help at first - then become ineffective, I have also had
partial replacements on both shoulders. I have osteoarthritis which has predicated the replacement of both hips and a right knee, Hope this is enough information for you to
shed some light on my condition.



Hi John,
My arm pain is like I have done a heavy workout and have the resulting extreme pain... more like a sharp soreness when I try to move. Lifting anything without supporting the lifting arm is painful and the arm goes weak (I drop things). If I keep the arms at rest, they then go to an
ache. Hard to explain. This condition started about 1-½ years ago all of a sudden.. I have had several pain killers prescribed which help at first - then become ineffective, I have also had
partial replacements on both shoulders. I have osteoarthritis which has predicated the replacement of both hips and a right knee, Hope this is enough information for you to
shed some light on my condition.


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Hi Sandy @antiquetx, I'm a patient like you and don't have any medical background or training so I'm not too sure how much light I can shed your condition. I can hopefully find some information that might help you learn more about your condition. Best yet if we can find some members here on Connect that have had similar experience with their arms going weak and dropping things. I'm wondering if @sueinmn @artscaping or others might have some thoughts or suggestions.

I did find some information and tips on exercises that might be helpful even though it is talking about folks that lift weights...
"Bicep/Tricep Tendonitis
A sudden, sharp pain in the elbow or upper arm shortly after heavy lifting is a telltale sign of a tendon injury. Bicep/tricep tendonitis are very common injuries, especially for those who lift heavy weights or use their arms in repetitive movement."
-- Exercises for Arm Pain | Arm Pain Relief Tips:


Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with me. May I ask what the
surgery was that they did on your cervical spine. I would like to do some research.

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@antiquetx, I am glad to hear you are doing research. Since a picture is better than words, here are two pictures of my cervical spine surgery.


@antiquetx, I am glad to hear you are doing research. Since a picture is better than words, here are two pictures of my cervical spine surgery.

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Thank you so much Chris,
Your pictures spoke volumes and certainly gave me some direction on
researching this subject. I have just had an MRI of my cervical spine
and am awaiting the Radiologist's report.


Thank you so much Chris,
Your pictures spoke volumes and certainly gave me some direction on
researching this subject. I have just had an MRI of my cervical spine
and am awaiting the Radiologist's report.

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Good evening @antiquetx Great. Now, may I ask you to please let me know how your meeting with your provider goes and what conclusions were conveyed to you.

Thanks and my very best to you.

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