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Hello Lain59,
Is this situation so bad that perhaps you should take him to your local emergency room? Also, I would not wait so many days for the doctor to call back. Does he or she have an administrative assistant who can page him/her?
And, the answer to your question, is YES he can get better but he needs appropriate and quality care. If, he is asking to go the ER/Hospital, I would take him ASAP because psychosis can be very scary for the person.
Today, there are wonderful medications for psychosis and new ones are being developed on a consistent basis. There is hope... I know people with psychotic disorders with college degrees that work full-time so please don't think that your child's future is wasted. There may be more bumps in the road but if you get him the proper assistance he should improve.
Best of luck to you...

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Replies to "Hello Lain59, Is this situation so bad that perhaps you should take him to your local..."

Hello, how strange, Roxe. my name is Roxanne. Tristan is in the hospital and has been for four days. I cannot think. I am sorry. I am freaking and have been crying since eight. He is on all the meds, Abilify, Lamictal...but he did not take them for a week due to acid reflux and other things. He was taking them for a full week. Then he collapsed.

Hi lain59. This is such a difficult time for you. Your son will get the care that he needs in hospital and just keep the faith sweetie, things will get better for you. I always say just to take fairy steps one at a time. Your'e in my thoughts and i'm always here if you need to talk. Take care Piglit

I have been feeling suffocated too. I went into a mania and crashed into depression after talking to more than twenty people whilst multi tasking, then Rob told me I could not be close to my sons, and other things that were wrong with me...I could never be myself. Some troll at the hospital snubbed me so I further crashed. A 'friend' told me how glad her mother was that I hadn't called and then proceeded to talk for quite sometime of her troubles in renovating her condo and moving her mother...she basically said she had it rough and big deal about Tristan...so I felt stupid and a babbling loser. I kept waking freaking dreaming Robert divorced me and kidnapped the children.
Tristan threw up again this morning. They never covered the mirror in his bathroom!
So, I have been so stressed about him being at that hospital, him coming home. Nicholas has decided Dad is now completely good. I had told Rob that I realized we had kept him out of the family forgetting why. He is an abusive person and we did it for protection. Now, Nicholas is telling his father EVERYTHING. So, his father is furious with me for not hiding myself. Nick is also showing signs of wear.
Why cannot that person realize the children and I have Bipolar Disorder, ARE affected dangerously by his abuse, and why does he continue to not accept me and feel I am Toxic?

hi lain59 so sorry that you are having such a really hard time of things my sweetie. Have you anyone else that can help you other family friends maybe even see if a counsellor can help you and talk with you. You have so many things to deal with at the present time. Sometimes whenwe are overwhelmed as you are everything spirals down as it has with you. Litlle fairy steps sweetie, on hour at a time. Please know that i am here anytime you need to talk Taake care Piglit

I have a therapist but I take him aback. Not really many friends and my family is dangerous!
Take care,

hang in there and have faith that all will be okay...

Hoping things are improving ...be good to yourself because he needs you to be strong.

Good Morning,
How are things today?

We have truly excellent days, blessings, then horrid days. Meanwhile, my Bipolar moods are not stable. Anxiety with deep depression at five. Really, really happy in the early morning. Fine at noon.

I am going to do it!