← Return to Prednisone tapering is challenging. What does remission feel like?

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Good advise as always John. I’ve been on this site for 2.5 years. I have had to increase my pred after tapering a few times. It’s been a roller coaster as many of you know. I’m now at 5 mg, I only go down 1/2 a mg a month right now. Having significant lower back pain and associated nerve pain down both legs, managed by? Heat/ volteran topical. Stretching exercise is only partially helpful. Still walking in late afternoon but it’s slow and no more than 2 mi. I’m feeling defeated and frankly down. I have underlying spine issues( stenosis lumbar and cervical) and an think it that some of this pain is now being unmasked by the lowering of the Pred. Since my leg and foot go numb intermittently when I walk/ stand. Have an ortho/ spine referral. In progress at UCSF. Ideas suggestions?

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Replies to "Good advise as always John. I’ve been on this site for 2.5 years. I have had..."

I think it's good that you can walk 2 miles no matter how slow it is. I probably can't walk more that 2 or 3 blocks without resting some. It's mostly because it's hard for me to walk normal with good posture. I lean forward quite a bit which I think is similar to camptocormia or bent spine syndrome. I don't have any real pain but do have some ache and pressure in the lower back. I'm the guy that loves to push the shopping cart at the grocery store because it helps me walk 🙂 I did purchase some inexpensive Nordic trek poles that help me walk more erect if I want to walk around the neighborhood. I've heard some members have had good luck with Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) and there is a discussion on the topic you might want to take a look at -- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/myofascial-release-therapy-mfr-for-treating-compression-and-pain/

Have you heard of Myofascial Release Therapy?

Hi @karinaph, I have degenerative disc disease and hardware in my lower spinal due to a spinal fusion. That pain is unresolved but since I also now have PMR I have learned that using a walker at times can be very helpful. I am only 63 years old and was a little reluctant about having to use a walker at my age but I can’t believe the difference in my pain level when I use it. Please consider getting something that will make walking easier and that may be part of your rehab too. I am really impressed with your 2 mile walks—good for you, that is inspiring. Biggest blessings!

I only have had PMR for 4 months, using 15 mgs a day. I just had an MRI and I have stenosis in L2/L3 causing nerve pain in the top of my quads. They are going to try a shot of steroids into that area to see if it will take the pain away.
I do hope that you can continue to walk as that really helps me. Hope you can get an MRI as it really helps the ortho. know what is going on. He said the prednisone helps the stenosis but it is systemic where the shot will be local and will stay in that area for months. the pain goes away for some for a year or more.