@quimbie - It sounds as if you are very brave and have a great attitude also. I don't have a science degree but I'm sure that attitude can have a great deal of impact on your health. Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress. This upsets the body's hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. My immune system certainly doesn't need any more!
As you know, having a positive attitude doesn't mean being high on life every minute of every day. That would be impossible to sustain. Cancer isn't necessarily a death sentence. I think of mine as a chronic illness and it acts like it too. I know that I am very lucky. I know that I have lung cancer. I love being happy so I try and foster this and look for something positive about every yucky situation. After years of chronic major depression, this is new for me and I take advantage of it to live the best life. Not every day, but a lot of days.
Everyone in this group understands what I'm saying, I'm sure of it. Not everyone experiences life in the same way but cancer survivors understand reality. Being positive doesn't mean looking through rose-colored glasses. It's taking advantage of good days. And helping others follows this.
I don't have a lot of expensive toys but what I do have is a wealth of experience. It's way too much for me to hold on to so I pass what I can on and hope that that it helps, even in a small way. Not just on Connect, but in places where compassion and understanding are surely needed.
Bet you didn't expect this answer, did you? lol
Merry..you answered in a real way most of us understand. Some days are diamonds some days are stones but we try and hang on to the good days. I agree that sharing experience, information is helpful to me and also I am done if I can't have a good belly laugh each day.