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Hi - My name is Kim and I'm here for my mom. After two months of tests and 2 inconclusive biopsies with a third conclusive (finally!!) biopsy, Mom has been diagnosed with adenosquamous pancreatic cancer. It hasn't spread outside the pancreas but it is abutting two arteries (veins?) which is concerning. Plus we know she has an aggressive variant of pancreatic cancer so we know we have along, tough road ahead - and we learn more about it every. single. day. Mom is a strong, amazing lady and my dad and I will be by her side helping her every step of the way. Anyway, Mom is about to start chemotherapy rounds of Folfirinox this week. So my biggest question at the moment (I'm sure I'll have tons more very soon) is 1) what types of side affects she should expect after chemo treatments and 2) what we can do to help ease any of the symptoms - ie, certain foods that will relieve the nausea, etc. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Thanks so much in advance. And peace, love and light to all.

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Replies to "Hi - My name is Kim and I'm here for my mom. After two months of..."

my daughter at 55 went into this "journey" to combat pancreatic cancer in may of this year. after six chemo treatments, no hair loss, she reported, the rest, i really don;t know because she even tried to keep the revelation of cancer diagnosis from me. she live in Utah and i live in california, he brother and his family did keep it as they promised her. finally she told me. now six treatments of radiation therapy, she is waiting to hear if next month she can have surgery. she doesn;t write but has her older brother communicate with me. her husband is very private like her. we do love each other, it is just a strange language we have spoken over the years and now i want so much to hear all. as to side effects, she did get back pains, twenty four seven from radiology, she looks like she has anorexia , thin and besides being skeletal, you would not know she has cancer.

I did 10 rounds of FOLFIRINOX. They pump me full of anti nausea drugs on day one and it helps tremendously. I do A LOT of supplements to offset the side effects of the Oxaliplatin, although we just stopped it. It can cause neuropathy and cold sensitivity along with sores in the mouth. Remember it is cumulative. I didn’t start to experience the neuropathy until #9 but the cold sensitivity was from the 1st session. I have knitted gloves for the fridge and ski gloves for the freezer. That’s what stands out most for me.