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Hi, my name is Tiffany, and I’m 57 years old. On 8/16/22 an abdominal CT revealed a mass on my pancreas. I was immediately referred to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester where additional tests and a biopsy confirmed it to be adenocarcinoma. The mass is 3.6 cm x 3.0 cm. I was told that it is not currently a good candidate for surgery because of its proximity to 2 arteries. I had hoped to receive all of my treatment at Mayo, but they are an out of network provider and my insurance denied approval. So, I’ll be treated by the University of Iowa Hospital. This week I had a chemo port put in, a chest CT, and a PET scan. Thankfully, it does not appear to have spread anywhere, and I have my first chemo treatment scheduled for Wednesday. I’m both excited to get the ball rolling on my treatment, and a little nervous about how the chemo will affect me.

This past month has been such a mixed bag of emotions! The hardest part by far was telling my parents. They’re in their 80’s and we’re very close. I’m trying my best to keep a positive attitude, and have faith in my doctors and treatment.

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Replies to "Hi, my name is Tiffany, and I’m 57 years old. On 8/16/22 an abdominal CT revealed..."

Hi @tiffboss : My brother has been treated for stage 4 pancreas cancer at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics for the past two years. We have found them to be efficient, caring and responsive. My brother sees Dr. Berg and his PA and both have been very good. I hope that you have the same experience. When my brother was diagnosed he too had arterial involvement with the cancer but did 9 rounds of Folfirinox and then had 5 weeks of MRI guided radiation. He then underwent a Nanoknife operation with Dr. Chan. Hopefully your chemo will shrink the mass small enough that surgery is an option. Positive thoughts sent your way.....