What was your mobility after Mastectomy (and hygiene)?

Posted by scarffy1 @scarffy1, Sep 20, 2022

How about hygiene are you able reach backside

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Yes, I was able to raise my arm and to the side right away. I first had a lumpectomy and four sentinel nodes removed, no node involvement. There weren’t clear margins so I had a second lumpectomy 30 days later. I had no problem then, either. I ended up having to have a mastectomy a month or so later and had no issues. We’re all different-I had friends telling me I wouldn’t be able to raise my arm nor would my surgeons want me to do so. But my breast surgeon and plastic surgeon(I had reconstruction at the same time) both told me to start moving my arm. Good luck to you and I hope this helps.


Bless your heart prayers for you . Thanx I wasn't for sure on the limits afterwards .


@scarffy1, have you had your mastectomy yet?


I had a double mastectomy. I could go low but not high. Tips of fingers could not go higher than my head. Sat on a seat in shower. No toileting issues. Had help washing my hair until drains were removed. Then I was allowed to be more mobile. More caution because of the drains, not because of the surgery. And of course, had to keep the surgical sites clean. Dial anti-bacterial shower gel was recommended but could only get it online.

You would probably be given clear and specific instructions.


@scarffy1, have you had your mastectomy yet?

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No not until October 21 but put on arimdex doing good with no side effects first couple of days though was very fatigued.


No not until October 21 but put on arimdex doing good with no side effects first couple of days though was very fatigued.

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I saw a physical therapist specialty was breast cancer surgery patients, prior to my surgery. She took range of motion measurements etc. I did that so she had a baseline of where I should possibly get back to. 4 weeks post surgery I started PT with her. It made a world of difference for me. Just a thought. I used everyday tasks to raise my arm for stretching i.e. using my arm to reach coffee cup on second shelf, wiping down shower, I used that arm and took note of how high I could reach each day, as the steam allowed me to see measurement. I had right side mastectomy and am right handed, so the thought process wasn’t too hard, but had to be careful not to overdo. It is easy for us humans to compensate, if we think pain might be involved. Blessings for your upcoming surgery.


I saw a physical therapist specialty was breast cancer surgery patients, prior to my surgery. She took range of motion measurements etc. I did that so she had a baseline of where I should possibly get back to. 4 weeks post surgery I started PT with her. It made a world of difference for me. Just a thought. I used everyday tasks to raise my arm for stretching i.e. using my arm to reach coffee cup on second shelf, wiping down shower, I used that arm and took note of how high I could reach each day, as the steam allowed me to see measurement. I had right side mastectomy and am right handed, so the thought process wasn’t too hard, but had to be careful not to overdo. It is easy for us humans to compensate, if we think pain might be involved. Blessings for your upcoming surgery.

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Okey I'm learning from everyone on here from their experience.


Okey I'm learning from everyone on here from their experience.

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Scarffy, here are few other discussions you may find helpful as you prepare for surgery:
- Breast Surgery; any advice to prepare for surgery? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/breast-surgery-any-advice-to-prepare-for-surgery/
- Videos about Breast Cancer Surgery from Mayo Experts https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/videos-about-breast-cancer-surgery-from-mayo-experts/
- Exercise and Physical Activity after Breast Cancer Surgery https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/exercise-and-physical-activity-after-breast-cancer-surgery/


I lost my left breast and the lymphnodes under my left arm
I can't reach up or around to my back after the mastectomy. I still have such Sharpe pain at the left side where the mastectomy was done to the point of having to clutch where my breast was.
Mmy cancer & mastectomy was 7 years ago. Doctors have no reason I have this pain.


I was up and around that afternoon and in the shower the following day..I was given the mobile blood clot prevention kit for my legs but ended up not needing to where them since I had no issues preventing me from getting up and walking and doing what I needed to do. The more your able to get up and walk the easier it will be for your blood flow and circulation helping everything move..my drains came out 1 week and 2 days after my surgery which was a double mastectomy as well and after 3-4 wks I no longer wore the binder. As you hear and see how different we all are only you will know your limitations and what your body is able to handle. Don't push yourself beyond your limits and rest when your body needs it and move around when your able and ask for help with anything having weight . Good luck and day 1 is always the worst and will get better and easier with every new day!

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