Running out of hope

Posted by tiredandalone @tiredandalone, May 18, 2022

I am a 43 year old female who thought i was pretty healthy. I woke up 11 weeks ago and had no voice and I still have no voice. I was also experiencing night sweats, lump in the throat, profuse sweating through out the day (to the point it runs down my arm), knot in stomach after i eat (like looks like I am pregnant), loss of appetite, weight loss, shortness of breath, and extreme fatigue and recurrent sinus infections, colds, runny nose, etc. I did have covid in 2019 and had the respiratory issues. I still have all the symptoms and am frankly getting wore out just going through all this. I have been scoped in the nose to check the throat, ct of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. They have found 2 spots in my lungs and I go see pulmonologists in June to check those out. Nothing has been found anywhere. Bloodwork is all at acceptable levels. ENT did put me on another medication for silent reflux, and I have been taking it for several weeks now and still have all the b symptoms. any suggestions, personal experiences, etc would be greatly appreciated. It is getting to the point, that I am wanting to loose all hope. I have this gut feeling that there is something that is being missed. I feel unheard and am getting frustrated. I have felt little "knots" in my neck, but no one seems to bat an eye. I know that how I am feeling is not normal by any means for my body. I do take meds for heart palpitations, GERD, anxiety. I was also told at one point, that there was too much protein in my blood. I have also been test4ed for multiple myleoma, and have had my thyroid checked as well. I have done so many tests that I feel like an experiement.

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Do you have control on everything exist around you? For example, replacement household items, weather of your city, your pee time, counting your breathes of a day, watching straight to sun, unknown issue running in your body, even thoughts coming in your brain, signals of brains for other body parts and turning your own neck only to see on back side. All above question's answer is both yes/no

Because no body can control everything in life. You don't know your exact death time. So you should only worry on things that you can control. You should not worry on things that you can't control.

Just motivate yourself that "Everything is part of life".

You can perform all available medical test in the world but your symptoms may remain active due to unknown reason and you may be able to know these reasons or not. You are not sure. Sometimes, these symptoms generated by your brain extra active thought process that is not satisfying you and you keep doing doctor shopping.

A good tip for you, take good healthy diet, wake up 30 min before sun rise then do walk this time and sleep soon in the night. Everything will be alright. If you need to go doctor, choose best one and stick to this.


I am currently being referred to Mayo for answers hopefully. 25 weeks now with no voice and feeling like death, I am ready

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Please, if you can, visit a really excellent holistic practitioner who actually looks at the body as a whole functioning unit. Western medicine does NOT know how to do this. In this country, doctors look at each symptom and system of the body as separate things. Many people HAVE found relief (if this really is long-haul Covid related) by treating the nervous system with chiropractic care, naturopathic care and vagal nerve "re-set". They are treating the ROOT CAUSE of long-haulers syndrome. The body just gets thrown completely out of whack with Covid, which is why symptoms appear in a myriad of ways. I healed myself 85% with heavy supplementation. And yes, my blood tests etc. all came back normal too. I wish you ALL the very best!


Hi. I am sorry you are going thru all of this. Have you had an endoscopy by Gastroenterologist for possible Barretts Esophagus?
I have ME/CFS which is a post viral illness. Since you've had Covid, you might want to check out Long Covid or ME Action Network for more information.
Don't give up hope. I have felt that way many times but therapy and my faith bring me thru the bad days.
Please keep us posted on how you are doing. You are in my prayers.


I’m so sorry what you are going thru. I got covid Aug 4 and had chest pains and gerd like symptons for 46 days. I was put on 240 mg of peptic acid for 14 days.80 mg 3x a day. There were no side effects and I started to feel better. Today is day 14 and it’s so much better. I didn’t take Pepcid for gerd it was the histamine in it that helped stop the covid. You can google it to understand more and what it does
Because I don’t know all the terminology. Good luck and hang in🙏


Please know you are not alone. I understand completely and feel the same.
I know these times have been so trying as well as support systems being harder to find.
I ironically signed in today just because I feel the exact same know your not alone. Please keep being brave and remember your story is one of perseverance.
Bless you and keep posting .


I know how you feel. I'm hopeless now too. A headache/dizziness for 3 years/3 mos. I can't drive or do much of anything. Now I need thyroid surgery. Hang in there and keep reaching out. Prayers help.

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