Can Neuropathy be cured?

Posted by catstx @catstx, Sep 8, 2021

I’ve had P. neuropathy for 30 years. Just recently I’ve better controlled my blood sugar. So, I’m wondering if Neuropathy ever goes away, Or, if once the nerves are dead they’re just dead

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Just this past week I've developed a new outlook - acceptance and not finding a cure or treatment, even though I've been on the hunt for it since 2007; 15 years is a long to time to search.

Research is the key - and searching on clinical trial sites still turns up empty. What a shame. This means we still need to be the voice for this condition.


John -- acceptance is difficult as I've found out and when you think about our ancestors not living to the ages we are now, I think that is why there are more cases of PN now than in previous decades. Yes, we are living longer and in time, unfortunate as it is, as more people develop PN for 100 different reasons, more knowledge will be gained and treatment plans that actually work will be first then prevention to follow. Research has not seen PN as important as other diseases. The reason is obvious. That will change ... someday. Ed

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Hoping “someday” comes soon!


And, it isn't soon enough!! My wife and I were comparing what I did 3 to 4 summers ago to what I can do today.
Moreover, what I can't do today. There just isn't enough publicity about the seriousness of PN.


@njed Very wisely stated; I think it helps so much to hear from folks like you, @fala , our mentors, and so many others on here that this road has been travelled and to help us just get to the short cuts. Without this cyber community, as you know, most of know of nobody in our personal world like us, and start in disbelief of unknown medical conditions, and start the process by think we have to do the jobs the doctors aren’t doing. While we do need doctors in the journey that we’re compatible with, this forum sure has helped cross the bridge to reality or “the new normal “ and help the forward vs backward thinking, and using energy for constructive improvement and teamwork vs destructive activities. I hit a few road blocks, but have moved forward so much with the help of you and others. Now off to PT for some core and leg strengthening and some myofascial release (thanks for that tip @artscaping )

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I can’t even walk right anymore. My neuropathy is so bad.


I had an EMG which showed nothing. My doctor wasn't satisfied and sent me for an SFN biopsy. That test showed positive SFN. I see my pain mgmt doc in 4 days to discuss meds. I'm on 75 mg pregablin 3x/daily, oxycodone 5mg, baclofen 5mg/3x daily. I take mirtazapine 15mg at bedtime to help me sleep.

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Pregabalin made my neuropathy worse and sent me into a seizure. I’m very sensitive to medicines.


I have found that there are different types of causes for neuropathy. I have diabetes that is under control, and I have neuropathy in legs and arms that comes and goes... I am currently exploring the cause of my neuropathy being pinched nerves along my spine area and also restricted blood flow in my lower legs.. Go to a foot doctor that is familiar with vein surgery for lower leg area... I have discoloration around my ankles which is one of the signs of leaking veins and poor circulation... If you have scar tissue or calcium build up along spine this could be cause a nerve pinching problem... Go to a spine specialist to possibly get an MRI to see if there is damage....


Pregabalin made my neuropathy worse and sent me into a seizure. I’m very sensitive to medicines.

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pamelaz - When I went to Mayo in Rochester in Feb 2020, I was told not to take Lyrica because with my axonal sensory-motor PN, neurologist said Lyrica can actually make my neuropathy worse. Went off because it was not helping with my condition anyway.


pamelaz - When I went to Mayo in Rochester in Feb 2020, I was told not to take Lyrica because with my axonal sensory-motor PN, neurologist said Lyrica can actually make my neuropathy worse. Went off because it was not helping with my condition anyway.

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I’m sorry to hear this, but it is interesting and important. Did the neurologist offer you a different treatment?


pamelaz - When I went to Mayo in Rochester in Feb 2020, I was told not to take Lyrica because with my axonal sensory-motor PN, neurologist said Lyrica can actually make my neuropathy worse. Went off because it was not helping with my condition anyway.

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Interesting Ed - Same idiopathic diagnosis, but I had a regular Neurologist prescribe the Lyrica not too long ago. I got home with it and just put the bottle away; after filling it, I wasn’t exactly sure why we added it. My fault for not asking my doctor what he thought the benefit of adding it would be; I didn’t report a change in my condition or anything other than hoping for a diagnosis & cure some day😃; my Neuropathy has been maintaining with all else I do and take. So I decided not to take the Lyrica and have to adjust to the possible unintended consequences of adding to my medicine list for my total health management, and will keep the pills in inventory until I see him in 6 more months when I’ll make sure we discuss the thinking on adding one more pill in my life. (At the moment I only take Gabapentin for Neuropathy, but I have some other prescriptions for other condition) Thanks for sharing your experience with Lyrica and the advice from your Mayo doctor.


I’m sorry to hear this, but it is interesting and important. Did the neurologist offer you a different treatment?

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pemelaz - The neuro doc at Mayo did not offer an alternative med for my PN. I had been prescribed Gabapentin by my primary but did not have good results, anger issues. Not normal for me. Doc removed me from that and tried Lyrica. Did not help and while on Lyrica, Mayo said don't take it. Could be because of my type of PN. I have no pain in feet or legs, numbness only. Axonal sensory-motor PN was the final dx I got at Mayo. It is very possible Lyrica will help with other types of neuropathy, it is something each person needs to determine for themselves. Some get relief, others not. My lower back pain unrelated to PN - so the docs say. I take only tylenol and advil as needed.

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