← Return to Hysterectomy what to expect afterwards?


Hysterectomy what to expect afterwards?

Gynecologic Cancers | Last Active: Oct 24, 2022 | Replies (56)

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Yes, they did a sentinal lymph node biopsy. Its removing one lymph node on each side. But I feel that I got over treatment. My organs were removed and there was NO cancer found. I feel that I should have done the IUD with the hormone progestin as first line of treatment. I am very regretful of undergoing a hysterectomy.

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Replies to "Yes, they did a sentinal lymph node biopsy. Its removing one lymph node on each side...."

Sophie I am so sorry you are feeling that way, and I understand and hear you. On the one side, what if it had been cancer? My doctor explained to me that if they don't take lymph nodes, and cancer is found, then you may have to go back in for another surgery. Reading on the Mayo website, it sounds as if they do the pathology asap while you are in surgery, then determine whether to take the nodes are not. I hear you and understand your concern. I am questioning whether to let them take my ovaries as she recommended. Thinking of getting a second opinion through Mayo but not sure if my insurance will allow it and if they do virtual appointments as they are five hours from my home. Also, I am thankful no cancer was found in you. If it's any consolation, with the condition we have, I did read a research paper that found that the pre-cancerous cells can develop into cancer in a median 59 days, so that was not a great stat either.