← Return to Glimmers of Hope: Post-COVID Syndrome Research

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I'm sorry but western medicine is missing the point entirely. We need to treat the ROOT CAUSE of long-haul Covid, not just throw prescriptions at every symptom and malady. Since western medicine treats each system of the body as separate, and only treats symptoms one by one, it will be a LONG TIME coming to find any answers (if ever).

Many people have found GREAT relief from long-haul Covid by working with holistic practitioners who assess the whole body -- by greatly reducing inflammation, heavy supplementation of key nutrients, bringing the nervous system back into balance instead of hyperstimulation/overdrive (chiropractic care, vagal nerve reset). It would be nice if regular doctors were paying attention because many people have had really excellent results with these methods.

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Replies to "I'm sorry but western medicine is missing the point entirely. We need to treat the ROOT..."

Hi. So I take LDN and have for a few years. The thing with it is it actually works holistically. In a very low dose, it shuts down your adrenals for about 3 hours while you sleep. After that your endorphins kick into high gear and becomes the response similar to a runners high. Helping reduce pain. It's so cheap, no drug companies want to do research! There is lots written about it online and millions are starting to take it. It's been known to cure Parkinsons, MS and even some cancers. There is a huge long list of medical problems it's been thought to help. It resets your adrenal glands. There is a pharmacist in FL who has his whole family on it. I spoke with him for an hour as I researched it for nearly a year before stating it.

You can't take any pain medicine when on it as this low dose med blocks the effects. I came off for surgery and didn't get right back on so now I've been on it for almost two years again. It's definitely worth looking into if you treasure wholism. Our adrenals are a mess. All of us. More and more illnesses are being found to be autoimmune. This is a really good treatment worth trying for autoimmune conditions. It's just been approved for CRPS for which there is no treatment. Helps fibro etc. I don't know about this study but please research it and don't eliminate it thinking it just another drug. It's an anti-drug when used in tiny doses. It kind of functions like a homeopathic in my mind. Give a little to spark a response. Check it out, seriously. NOT the 50mg! And naltrexone 50mg is not used to reverse and overdose. Totally different drug. This is taken daily like the old Antabuse when the person has to want to stop using but it's the anti-methadone.

People who take the full 50 can actually die trying to get high. You can't get high on it so the chances of an overdose is higher as they can "die trying." You have to be willing to quick all opioids to use it.