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@fisbo @redhatter here
I have what my Drs call Idiopathic small nerve neuropathy and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. They think it was caused by a virus which I had at the time. I went to work at the casino with chills, and hot flashes almost at the same time along with every bone in my body hurting. It hurt to walk but I forced myself. I told my Supervisor that I wasn’t feeling good and asked if there was an early out could I take it and go home? I lasted about 2 hrs. Slowly walking around checking on machines and customers. I had 4 steps to climb to get to from the pit to the main level. I couldn’t make it up them with out my lower legs giving out on me and I stumbled and fell face first into the steps. Needless to say I was sent home via an ambulance ride to the local hospital ER where they checked me out and couldn’t find anything obviously wrong with me - drug related in my blood system or showing effects of drugs. They called my husband-then boyfriend to come and get me at 3:30am. From there and for the next 6 months I underwent test after test until all the could find was the Neuropathy and because they couldn’t find what caused it, they called it Idiopathic small nerve peripheral neuropathy

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Replies to "@fisbo @redhatter here I have what my Drs call Idiopathic small nerve neuropathy and idiopathic peripheral..."

I have had my Neuropathy since April 1995.

Hey red, I starting thinking the comment was from ME! When I got the BIG DOSE of Neuropathy, I had a walker to walk even in my house!! Best news, if you get the right Drug, Med, CBD+...(we are all SO different) you will be better. The BIG one, hate to say it....is EXERCISE!!! I never did much. I do NOT like it. I had my four kids, a rotten husband and SO MUCH work to do I ignored my early warnings. I have Idiopathic PN, and no sense in running all over the place trying to figure out where it comes from. How would that help our pain?
Now, since I MAKE myself exercise...keep the blood flowing, the circulation GOOD, I am VERY active and feel and do better than I did 10 years ago. No kidding. I am old and not tired, even though I have pain in my feet and arms and hands. MOSTLY the feeet, but I make myself exercise, and it pays off. Best wishes and good luck!!!

Yes it's a cop out really because it's the same thing as peripheral neuropathy. They want to make it sound like it's not so bad which it is. I have never experienced anything like it and my life has altered dramatically because if it. I go to bed early to sleep off the pain. Neurology just say pain clinic and mental health will help well I don't know how. Pregabalin is probably going to be my next port of call. It works but there are side effects weight gain being one and that's not over eating which I don't do. I just hope you can get sorted out do you experience pain pins and needles in the feet and up legs to knees?