Looking to connect with people who have non-diabetic neuropathy

Posted by Ann broussard @user_ch98d0b5c, Aug 6, 2018

Would. Like to find people with this issue

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I comment over and over with the same thing. Sorry, do not want to bore anyone, just the newbies need to hear ...CBD works for me and THC cream at night. Cannot take THC orally...haha getting "high" days are over for this chic! I tried with and without and the stuff is pricey, but it WORKS (ON FOOT RUBS)! Good luck, sorry for you and me!!

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I have pain in lower back, not related to PN...well, so I'm told. The CBD cream I use literally works in about 30 seconds and reduces pain level by 50%, no THC. It runs about $50 for the small 2 oz container and at times, a few times a month, I use CBD drops. That takes pain level down in seconds, doesn't do much for PN but works for reduced lower back pain.


Good morning
I have neuropathy from cervical stenosis . No pain
Last few days have had increased numbness in left foot and left hand
No change in dexterity
Has anyone ever tried this cream ?
Thanks in advance


I am the same and it's frustrating not knowing the cause Mine started in 2020 in one foot first then to the other and it has got worse. I take Gapapentin but it doesn't work very well. May come off it but then things might get even worse. Do you have a lot of discomfort like me?

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I had neuroma in one foot, got 7 injections to kill the nerve. Took 2 yrs for pain to subside. Now I have neuroma in the other foot and 7 more shots, no improvement. Lyrica, Gabapentin, CBD, Tramadol, Meloxicam do absolutely nothing for foot pain. I'm not diabetic.


I have non diabetic peripheral neuropathy which has worsened in the over two years I have had it. Gapapentin so far is useless been on it for couple months. I am going back for second opinion with neurology as I am seriously wondering if this is more serious. I am terrified of the thought of losing all feeling and possibly ending up in a wheelchair.


I had neuroma in one foot, got 7 injections to kill the nerve. Took 2 yrs for pain to subside. Now I have neuroma in the other foot and 7 more shots, no improvement. Lyrica, Gabapentin, CBD, Tramadol, Meloxicam do absolutely nothing for foot pain. I'm not diabetic.

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It must be very frustrating. Your right about medication I am waiting right now for a call from my doctor as they are not working.


My idiopathic neuropathy started years ago. Twice I have been put on Gabapentin. At this moment I take 900 before bedtime. But I am thinking about going off it as the help is minimal to none.
All these years I have found comfort with ice. I either use a rice ice pack or a brick of ice at night. It was not recommended but it offers me the best relief. Putting ice near my feet allows me to rest them on the brick before sleep. During sleeping hours I put my feet on the sheets that are cold from ice. I am sure that some will say this is a poor method for numb and burning feet but it gives me relief every time.


I comment over and over with the same thing. Sorry, do not want to bore anyone, just the newbies need to hear ...CBD works for me and THC cream at night. Cannot take THC orally...haha getting "high" days are over for this chic! I tried with and without and the stuff is pricey, but it WORKS (ON FOOT RUBS)! Good luck, sorry for you and me!!

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@fisbo @redhatter here
I have what my Drs call Idiopathic small nerve neuropathy and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. They think it was caused by a virus which I had at the time. I went to work at the casino with chills, and hot flashes almost at the same time along with every bone in my body hurting. It hurt to walk but I forced myself. I told my Supervisor that I wasn’t feeling good and asked if there was an early out could I take it and go home? I lasted about 2 hrs. Slowly walking around checking on machines and customers. I had 4 steps to climb to get to from the pit to the main level. I couldn’t make it up them with out my lower legs giving out on me and I stumbled and fell face first into the steps. Needless to say I was sent home via an ambulance ride to the local hospital ER where they checked me out and couldn’t find anything obviously wrong with me - drug related in my blood system or showing effects of drugs. They called my husband-then boyfriend to come and get me at 3:30am. From there and for the next 6 months I underwent test after test until all the could find was the Neuropathy and because they couldn’t find what caused it, they called it Idiopathic small nerve peripheral neuropathy


@fisbo @redhatter here
I have what my Drs call Idiopathic small nerve neuropathy and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. They think it was caused by a virus which I had at the time. I went to work at the casino with chills, and hot flashes almost at the same time along with every bone in my body hurting. It hurt to walk but I forced myself. I told my Supervisor that I wasn’t feeling good and asked if there was an early out could I take it and go home? I lasted about 2 hrs. Slowly walking around checking on machines and customers. I had 4 steps to climb to get to from the pit to the main level. I couldn’t make it up them with out my lower legs giving out on me and I stumbled and fell face first into the steps. Needless to say I was sent home via an ambulance ride to the local hospital ER where they checked me out and couldn’t find anything obviously wrong with me - drug related in my blood system or showing effects of drugs. They called my husband-then boyfriend to come and get me at 3:30am. From there and for the next 6 months I underwent test after test until all the could find was the Neuropathy and because they couldn’t find what caused it, they called it Idiopathic small nerve peripheral neuropathy

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I have had my Neuropathy since April 1995.


I’m new at this and don’t know how to write the address of who I’m sending it to.
My comments were to go to fisbo from redhatter.
Not to redhatter from redhatter
Sorry about the confusion.


I’m new at this and don’t know how to write the address of who I’m sending it to.
My comments were to go to fisbo from redhatter.
Not to redhatter from redhatter
Sorry about the confusion.

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Hi @redhatter54, I see in your previous post that you tagged yourself using your member name as well as fisbo's member name @fisbo. That's why you also received the same email notification that was sent to @fisbo.

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