← Return to Prednisone tapering is challenging. What does remission feel like?

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@njtodctode, I think if it were me, I would go to the last dosage that I felt good and try to taper much slower. Keep a daily pain log for how you feel when you first get up and what dosage you are taking for the day. The only time I dropped by 5 mg was when I went from 20 to 15 mg. After that I either went down by 2.5, 2, 1 or 1/2 mg. My rheumy made it easy by giving me an RX for 5, 2.5 and 1 mg tablets. If my pain level was greater than 2 I didn't taper down and a few times increased my dosage by 1/2 of what I previously tapered down. There is another discussion I think you might find helpful:
-- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms:

Talking with new doctors can sometimes be difficult. I think you might find some good suggestions on planning your conversation with your doctor or rheumatologist here:
-- https://patientrevolution.org/visit-tools

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Replies to "@njtodctode, I think if it were me, I would go to the last dosage that I..."

Thanks so much for your feedback. I have been kicking around going to 20 again. I do need to track things was planning on that but no energy. Need to just do it. I need things to improve a smidgen. Ok I will check out the links tomorrow. Be well.

@njtodctode - Another consideration that you might want to discuss with your doctor/rheumatologist before switching to dexamethasone (long-acting) is the dose equivalence to prednisone. The dexamethasone tablets are much smaller from what I've read and much stronger so tapering might be more difficult when you can't split the small pills.

The 1.5 dexamethasone tablets are equivalent in strength to 10 mg prednisone tablets.
-- Corticosteroid Dose Equivalents:

Good advise as always John. I’ve been on this site for 2.5 years. I have had to increase my pred after tapering a few times. It’s been a roller coaster as many of you know. I’m now at 5 mg, I only go down 1/2 a mg a month right now. Having significant lower back pain and associated nerve pain down both legs, managed by? Heat/ volteran topical. Stretching exercise is only partially helpful. Still walking in late afternoon but it’s slow and no more than 2 mi. I’m feeling defeated and frankly down. I have underlying spine issues( stenosis lumbar and cervical) and an think it that some of this pain is now being unmasked by the lowering of the Pred. Since my leg and foot go numb intermittently when I walk/ stand. Have an ortho/ spine referral. In progress at UCSF. Ideas suggestions?