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Can Neuropathy be cured?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Aug 3, 2023 | Replies (216)

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My Neuropathy started with some unusual leg heaviness and weakness, worsening until I fell and could no longer walk less than 3 weeks later. I had been admitted to the hospital 2 days before my last step as they were trying to figure it out. After a month in rehab facility, then 5 months of home then outpatient PT and OT, I gained enough strength and balance back to walk with walker, and even unassisted for short distances on flat surfaces. I get as much PT as I can each year to continue strength and balance as the brain is a very tricky thing with change.
A difference that you and I have is that I haven’t had an MRI, but had nerve conduction study/EMG that showed severe axonal sensory loss idiopathic PN. The doctor said there was no need for further tests since that’s what it showed. I have so many similarities with folks on here who have SFN, who say it is diagnosed by a skin biopsy and doesn’t show up in the nerve conduction/EMG tests. Have you had a skin biopsy?

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Replies to "My Neuropathy started with some unusual leg heaviness and weakness, worsening until I fell and could..."

No sir. On skin biopsy. Thank you for you kind response. I don't feel too bad, just feet funny burning until I try to walk. Extreme weakness. Im going to Duke neurology the 29th for second opinion. Thanks again

I also did not have a skin punch biopsy as part of my idiopathic small fiber PN. Had the nerve conduction tests and a physical exam. The neurologist even asked if he could take pictures of my feet/toes because he was giving a seminar on neuropathy and said my hammer toes were a classic example of folks who have neuropathy.

Not meaning to pry but what is your age. ?? Im 58 . I had a A1c of 12 and didn't know I had diabetes. Type 2, well under control now but doctors say my problem is Diabetic neuropathy. I'm praying that if I keep sugar # down ,things will improve.

Just saw this post. I too have same dx as you and Mayo did not do a skin biopsy and when I asked about that being somewhat a conclusive proof, I was told that with all the tests they did, a skin biopsy was not needed because the tests were sufficient to offer my diagnosis: axonal PN. Based on that, I was lead to believe not all cases require biopsy.

I had an EMG which showed nothing. My doctor wasn't satisfied and sent me for an SFN biopsy. That test showed positive SFN. I see my pain mgmt doc in 4 days to discuss meds. I'm on 75 mg pregablin 3x/daily, oxycodone 5mg, baclofen 5mg/3x daily. I take mirtazapine 15mg at bedtime to help me sleep.

I have neuropathy so bad there is no relief.