← Return to Sigmoid colon resection: What to expect for recovery?

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Hello everyone. I had my 1st colonoscopy 3 weeks ago (57yrs) and they found a non obstructing mass not too far in is the best I can describe it. the pathology came back as pre cancerous so I had a robotic assisted colon resection. This took place 3 days ago. The surgeon I feel was very informative regarding what he was going to do, I actually had a crowd of people talking to me while getting prepped for the procedure, it was very impressive. So the surgery took place at 10am. I was admitted afterwards then at 6am the next morning the surgeon arrived and told me that I had extremely defined stomach muscles that he had never experienced before and that it was a little difficult to get past them. I apologize for taking so long. My concern is this, I was released to go home that afternoon as long as I could function completely, urinate, pass gas, bowel movement and able to walk unassisted. I was all good. Now that I have been home I experienced an extreme burning type pain in my right side groin area when I am trying to sit or stand up. Pain meds dont even knock the edge off of it. It does stop a soon as Im either sitting or standing. Is it because of the muscles being cut or ? I feel sore in the rest of my stomach near the inscissions but it's nothing compared the sharp burning in the groin!! I keep reading everyone is having a long recovery process and I hope everyone gets better. I think I everything is good but that sharp pain scares the hell out of me. I apologize again, I really need to get this out. Thanks anyone that has read this far! As I said I received a lot of info going in but not much of what to expect afterwards about recovery. Has anyone had a moderate to short recovery period with this kind of surgery?

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Replies to "Hello everyone. I had my 1st colonoscopy 3 weeks ago (57yrs) and they found a non..."

Hi @mweisslasvegas, I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing so much pain and little information about recovery. You may have noticed that I moved your post to this existing discussion:
- Sigmoid colon resection: What to expect for recovery? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/sigmoid-colon-resection-10282019/

I did this so you can read some of the recent posts and connect easily with other members like @virgo1952 @music5052 @lisag03 @apinzonc0627 @troyhenn22 @kathyoung @bethpearson.

I think you are now 4 weeks post surgery, which isn't a very long time for such a major surgery. How are you doing now? Has the sharp pain stopped? Did you get pain management advice from your care team?

I certainly thought your situation needed a longer explanation so I didn’t mind reading it through at all. I had my sigmoid colon removed , a resection ( basically 25% of my colon. No cancer, thankfully. Yes I left 2 days after surgery as well. Surprised by that but the medical staff believes you heal faster at home.
My pain is near or below my incision especially when I sneeze, cough., lift heavy objects. Frustrating but a CT Scan showed nothing alarming. I thought I had a hernia, not sure that I don’t. I’m tolerating a regular diet well, but small meals are best, my surgery was 5 months ago, not 100% yet but I’m walking more, trying to exercise. Hang in there! It’s a journey!