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Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, MCAS, POTS, and MALS

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Mar 12 7:47pm | Replies (32)

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Welcome, Shannon. That is helpful to know that you didn't have to go through genetic testing (or the cost) since your grandmother's medical history and you own diagnoses of hEDS/cEDS comfirmed the genetics.

Pharmacogenomics can be helpful for people with EDS. Pharmacogenomics— also known as pharmacogenetics or PGx — uses a person’s genetic information to predict the way they may react to a drug. It combines the sciences of pharmacology (study of drugs) and genetics (study of DNA/genes). People with hEDS often have challenges with medications and have unfavorable drug experiences because their genetic makeup prevents them from metabolizing some medications.

@macrdo @shannev @carolinebrown1995 @mhjs123 were pharmacogenetics ever discussed with you?

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Replies to "Welcome, Shannon. That is helpful to know that you didn't have to go through genetic testing..."

No not at all, my daughter is getting a saliva specimen in the mail, still do not have it yet.
Question? Does the saliva test tell the pharmacogenetics of it in the EDS Panel?
thanks in advance! Mary