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My husband with stage 4 aggresive prostate cancer , spread to his lymph nodes , 2 places in his hip and its spread to his liver he hardly talks about it ,, i did make him sit down and tell me who he wants his things to go to , and got some phone numbers out of him ,, he bought a will pack but hasnt written it yet which worries me as our house would be left to me ,, but he dosent say anything ,, i have to make sure he has enough meds as he dosent tell me when running low ,, he gets up late showers , goes to get his daily paper and then sits all day on facebook ,,, i sometimes feel like the maid ,, how do you get support , i could do with some really ,, im in England , and good luck to all of you suffering with the cruelest disease

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Replies to "My husband with stage 4 aggresive prostate cancer , spread to his lymph nodes , 2..."

Hi Maudie, I'm sorry that your husband is not communicating with you. It sounds like he prefers not to talk openly about the future and is perhaps in denial and scared. But you need support too. You might ask about an oncology social worker appointment.

Since you're in England, I highly recommend MacMillan Cancer Support https://www.macmillan.org.uk/

They offer so much and many different ways to get support in the manner you prefer. The website can be a bit overwhelming, so let me direct you to two key areas to get you started.
- Information specifically for Carers https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/supporting-someone
- Macmillan Support Line 0808 808 00 00 https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/get-help/emotional-help/macmillan-support-line You can call during business hours

You're not alone. I look forward to hearing that you connected with someone helpful at Macmillan.