@greenacres, @dbeshears1
Correction to my comments in the attached post.... I meant to type "cheerleader", not coach. Ugh, I didn't catch myself on that misspoken comment. It's an important one, too.
I'm fired! 😜
Debbie, thanks for the follow up reiterating "cheerleader" and the importance of understanding each person's supporting role. I see it really impacted you. How do any of us really know unless we open our minds to learn and be better. I learned through the PRC that my parents were huge pain behaviors for me even though they thought they were helping by always having sympathy. It can go either way...
- the suck it up, what's wrong with you, non-understanding or believing way
- the do it this way, know it all coaching way
- the poor baby, why can't doctors help or fix you way
Greenacres, I'm thrilled you shared that piece from the Family Day videos as your takeaway. I hope more members watch the videos and give feedback on their take aways.
Thank you both!
Thank you Rachel. This information you've shared with us is valuable! Another habit I had to break was thinking being overly sympathetc was helping.