BTW noticing again that you need to get to 1700 calories, there are MANY carbs (healthiest is high fiber, unrefined) to fill you in.
Some vegetables are pretty high in calories (and some contain notable protein) - suggest: baked potatoes (with the skin), corn, eggplant, avocados (yes, high in unsaturated fat but very healthy). Again Dr. Google will be helpful there.
I can't for the life of me understand why broth was suggested for your overall dietary needs, as broth (especially low fat) contains scarcely any calories. Bone broth does contain protein, but - heck, it's suggested for weight loss.
If you are allowed carbs, fruit can be quite high calorie - personally, I love mangos, which are high calorie and high fiber.
I am learning to eat more carbs…corn is so/so for fat and avocados are out. Good idea to learn about fruits and veggies, high calorie/fiber. When I started cutting fat I automatically cut protein that went along with it. The protein broth is 100 calories and 20 grams of protein without sugar or fat. Protein supplements have too much fat in general so I avoid the rest. My body has a problem absorbing fat, at least at the present time. I pretty much stick to boneless chicken breasts, white fish and beans as staples. Egg whites are a good snack. I blend up chickpeas with seasoning but they bother me unless I make sure to have enough other non-fat other foods with them. I have been sticking to only individual foods that, for the most part do not exceed 7-8% fat individually. This way everything stocked in our kitchen is “safe”. Chicken, for example has more so I just have to be aware of quantity and the nutrition of what I am eating at the same time.