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Lost my legs and now both arms to Neuropathy.

Neuropathy | Last Active: Sep 11, 2022 | Replies (13)

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Sorry to hear of your husband’s condition. It sounds almost exactly like mine. They discovered I had what’s called MGUS, a blood condition that is progressing into a cancer, Multiple Myeloma or Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. From my research, the Myelin can slowly recover in certain cases. The damage to my nerves is not one of them. When I went to physical therapy they wanted me to use a walker (a 4 wheeled device) but I learned a very important lesson, your balance front to back is a narrow margin and falling backwards is very dangerous for both me and your husband. So I learned how to use two canes to stand and walk without falling over. Standing upright and not moving is extremely dangerous to do because your balance front to back is such a narrow line.

Now that I’m losing the usefulness of both arms and hands besides my both legs and feet, a power wheelchair is in my future. I know the depression your husband is feeling, it becomes overwhelming but you can’t just sit there saying “why me?” He has to take one step at a time instead of pitying himself because of his misfortune in life. I was just 6 months old when doctors told my mother to take me home because I was dying and nothing could be done to save me. My mother never gave up trying to save me and neither have I, I’ll turn 80 next year. I never gave up and my body is still fighting, a rare heart defect, bad kidneys, mini stroke, 4 blood clots that tried to kill me, 3 heart attacks, bad guys turning into cancer, a nonexistent immune system, 5 cases of Covid, neuropathy in both arms and legs, 19 lung infections in 8 years, an abdominal aortic aneurysm and the list is still being added to.

I know just how your husband feels and he needs your emotional help, whether professional mental help or simply sitting by him and hold his hand and tell him and show him how much you’re still in love with him, no matters what condition his body is in. If you don’t you’re going to lose him before you realize it. I hope your husband sees how empty his life is becoming and fights to live. @becky1024

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Replies to "Sorry to hear of your husband’s condition. It sounds almost exactly like mine. They discovered I..."

Thank you for your very kind reply.
Your beautiful spirit is shining.
I appreciate your advice regarding my husband and I will do as you suggested.
You are a true warrior and I hope you have the best birthday ever.

Tengo neuropatía periférica. Me causa algo de espasticidad en mis piernas sobre todo en los pies y mi equilibrio es muy precario y solo puedo caminar de manera muy lenta dentro de mi casa.Salir a la calle
sola me da terror ante la posibilidad de caerme, pero no siento ni nunca he sentido el más mínimo dolor. Este problema data de más o menos 10 años ,con un avance bastante lento. Durante casi cinco años he tomado tamoxifeno y hay quienes opinan qué puede ser causa de neuropatías He perdido fuerza en las manos pero por ahora las manejo y puedo decir que bastante bien. Y después de haber leído las historias ,el dolor de otras personas que lo han transmitido en este espacio ,diría que casi me siento avergonzada. Pediré alivio, todo el alivio posible para los que están sufriendo este problema. Gracias por leerme.