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What exercises help to increase muscle tone as we age?

Aging Well | Last Active: Mar 12, 2023 | Replies (129)

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Just wanted to remind you'all in the context of this discussion that contrary to what's widely known, seniors need MORE protein per lb. body weight than any other age group!

At least (google for your exact age), .5 gm/protein per lb. body weight. I consume more than that.

Also work out in a gym at least 3-4 times a week and sometimes more. I used to rely on workouts on my home stairstepper, until I realized I was only exercising my lower body. Now I also use the weight machines at the gym, making sure to do the upper body exercises.

Not only am I stronger (my son says I have pecs and delts!), but my posture is better. I never miss the machines working on the back muscles, trapezius, lats and triceps. My spine is completely fused and I have other orthopedic/neurological problems which make me walk with a limp and decrease my balance.

If I weren't exercising my back, when I fall (frequently - but not hard) I'd have a very hard time getting up! In fact, I used to be stuck on the ground/grass after falling until I figured out I was neglecting my upper body.

FWIW I also make sure to do daily crunches - for my back (just hook my feet under the legs of my couch, on mats) I even have a flat stomach , knock wood. Also do aerobic, HIIT several times/week. Treadmill and a more strenuous stairstepper (at the gym). This is absolutely vital for my heart - I have AFIB and slight valve regurgitation.
Heck, I think everybody knows cardiac fitness keeps us alive! Besides I'm quite sedentary otherwise, and it's definitely use it or lose it for my heart health. (I keep track of my heartbeat, even when I'm asleep. )

I've learned how to watch videos on the aerobic machines (much less boring) and my only wish is that they wouldn't play that blaring "music" night and day LOL. I confess I procrastinate going, but always feel MUCH better afterwards!

PS I'm 76, and except for a few lapses have been exercising daily since my 20s (was invited to join a "golden" triathlete team at one time when I was a real gym junky. Was very limber (until the major spinal op) and ran, biked, swam, lifted weights and did gymnastics. (How I miss all of that now!)

I even ran throughout my two pregnancies until I went into labor. When I got to the hospital for the first birth, the nurses sent me to the high risk maternity wing (MUCH against my wishes!) claiming I couldn't possibly be full term. They insisted I must be at most 6 months along. I was just too trim! A 6 hour labor without anesthesia followed. I'm sure my strong muscles helped (loved Lamaze too!).

Planet Fitness is cheap and the staff is encouraging. We all wave each other on, even throughout COVID (the ceilings are high, and it's as big as an auditorium - lots of ventilation. Since I go late, it's almost deserted!

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Replies to "Just wanted to remind you'all in the context of this discussion that contrary to what's widely..."


Wow! I thought I was an exercise freak. Good for you and you are so right about the protein intake. My daughter is a self employed Nurse Practitioner whom I do work for. She works with the older population who are in assisted living facilities. On almost every patient chart that lists all the current medical diagnosis’s is the term SARCOPENIA which is loss of muscle mass. This is a common result of aging and we lose a certain percentage each decade. As you said, we do need to increase our protein intake and also exercise to keep what mass we have or actually to increase muscle mass.

Unfortunately so much of our population is obese and that causes deterioration of bone and muscle mass.
I have said before we are too sedentary. My gym teacher keeps telling some of us that we have to increase our weights as some are using such light ones it’s not doing them any good.

Protein comes from almost all types of food and the zillions of protein supplements. But if you don’t do any type of exercise then all that protein gets stored as fat because protein has calories. So be wary of protein shakes too because it sounds like an easy fix but keep in mind the protein intake vs exercise ratio.

I am 81 and walk and exercise religiously and attend senior gym classes. If I didn’t do that I would not be able to do what I do daily or keep up with my active family. Some days it does seems like a chore especially in hot humid weather.

It makes my day when the supermarket bagger asks if the bags are too heavy and if I need help with them.
We are not bragging here…just trying to be positive influences and hopefully fire up some engines.

Live long, strong and prosper
FL Mary

@imallears and @realitytest What types of things do you eat for added protein? I am limited to 7-8% of calories from fat and struggling to get daily 1,700 calories in. Higher protein is recommended to make up some and for the reasons you bring up. I also notice a positive systemic impact immediately when I eat protein. The brand Unjury broths was one suggestion for supplementing.

Good for you!

For those who don't know, my insurance company (Anthem MediBlu) covers monthly membership at Planet Fitness. It's called their Silver Sneakers program. Don't know if other insurance companies offer something similar.

Yes! Gotta keep moving.

Great inspirational post above. Appreciate the details!!!!

Realitytest, you've got the heart of a helper!