Allergic to multiple medications

Posted by br549 @br549, Jul 29, 2022

Does anyone have any experience with multiple drug allergies? I have allergic reactions to a list of antibiotics, Tylenol, and the three major allergy medications (Zyrtec, Claritin, and Allegra) but can still use Benadryl. I am finding it difficult to find a safe antibiotic - which I am needing for an abscessed tooth.

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Please help... try to keep short - sorry too long. As a child in another country I had liquid penicillin for colds/coughs etc; as a young adult also had penicillin, no problem Then twice dentist gave me a) Amoxicillin Trihydrate b)Amoxicillin Aclavulanate 2007 and 2013 - tooth pain before extraditions and I got a red rash all over my body; pharmacist said don't take it again! So then after radiation for cancer of cervix I started to get diarrhea frequently; used a sitz bath but realized when started getting lots of bladder infections, sitting in water that my behind was also in the water! Before realizing this had many antibiotics given to me for uti's and those days just went by the urine dip stick.

2016 given NORFLOX as discussed on this site another room and got peripheral neuropathy.... then told had radiation damage to bladder so frequent uti's due I think to cystitis and infection from the ibs-D, hard to keep clean.
Anyway, over the years I have had either reactions or very very bad diarrhea after taking; BACTRIM(SulfatrimDS); MACROBID(Nitrofurantoin); CEPHALEXIN(Keflex); MONOROL(Fosfomycin) and KEFLEX (Cephalixin) after 7 antibiotics i think in 7 months then got C.Diff 2018..immediately before c.diff was the Fosfomycin, third time taken it. I had taken Cipro years ago but its a Quinolone drug like NORFLOX...should only be used when serious infections..
Then over 100 Vancomycin for C.Diff - all the time on antibiotics we are all not allowed to take anti diarrhea medication such as IMODIIUM... so not only the usual diarrhea but no stopping it; was having showers thru night and cutting off my nightware. Same with months taking Vancomycin could not take anti diarrhea and rear end so sore and painful had special ointments etc., it was awful.
So last time had uti had to take Cephalexin/KEFLEX again and was ok while taking it but 2 weeks later the diarrhea was uncontrollable for a month and I thought I had C.Diff back again!
I am as clean as I can be; shower every day; have dozens of face cloths not used for face, new cotton underwear etc., not sexually active at my age! But still keep getting uti's. I buy urine testing strips myself and test urine every day as getting paranoid..sometimes there is a tiny bit of blood. Also they ask for 'CLEAN CATCH' urine sample - sorry, since all this and four bladder inspections and stretching, I now urinate east, west, north and south - so now I do the sample bottle at home after a shower and take it straight to Clinic. Also if they see something on urine stick I then nicely ask for urine sample to be sent to LAB for analyisis etc. to check for 'growth'

** So now I have another UTI - the sample said E.Coli but nurse holding off to see if I get any more symptoms, I do not feel that well but maybe cos of other issues. Am keeping track of temperature.xb
MY QUESTION/PLEASE IS; I have run out of options for antibiotics; what am I to do now? THANK YOU 🌺

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