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What exercises help to increase muscle tone as we age?

Aging Well | Last Active: Mar 12, 2023 | Replies (129)

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I intended it as a comment on the energy of the power house cleaner.

I fear that it was somehow misinterpreted as perhaps thoughtless or even hostile. That was not my intent. Please clarify for me.

When I wrote it, I longed to have a less painful body that would enable me to clean a 2 br home in 30 minutes, incorporating exercise into the routine as the writer had.

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Replies to "I intended it as a comment on the energy of the power house cleaner. I fear..."

I didn't take it badly - my husband knows to get out of my way when I start cleaning like that - he usually goes into the bathroom and cleans it while I blast through the house.

I learned this method from being a hotel maid on weekends in high school - we got paid for 8 hours, but if we were done before that, we got to go home. There had to be someone on duty though, so the last one to finish had to stay for the whole shift. (To make sure we did a thorough job, the head housekeeper would randomly check a room before we could leave!)

I also taught my kids - and now my grandkids - to do this - they get a snack when all the toys are put away.

When I read "When I wrote it, I longed to have a less painful body that would enable me to clean a 2 br home in 30 minutes, incorporating exercise into the routine as the writer had" it reminded me of when I was recovering from a bad infection + medication (over 2 years of illness.) I had terrible fatigue and was in a lot of pain.
At first, I would do 5 minutes of this, rest for 20-30 minutes, another 5... I could finish in half a day. Two days later, I would take the same approach to laundry - sort, sit, put in a load, sit, put load in dryer & another in washer, sit... Two days later fold & put away using the same routine. Gradually, over 6 months, I became able to do 10 minutes work, 10 minutes rest, etc

Reading some of my early posts on Connect, and comparing it with what I do now - and I find it hard to believe how far I have come. Progress is possible, but it ain't easy.