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Women's Forum The name I chose is Annie's Place

Women's Health | Last Active: Jun 16, 2012 | Replies (137)

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It took me a little while to get over the period of not communicating but now I'm slowly coming out and feel the need to be expressive. I am having so much problem with female figure in my life since I have been through a very dysfunctional family and have been abused by my mother. It's really a sensitive issue that I do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable taking about it. Most people would truly have some good time and many good memories about theirs mother but I don't ... I hope this is not going to create any emotional distress for anybody who have a great relationship with theirs mother. I am learning more and more to allow female to become friends and I am accepting their support. It's been a long journey.

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Replies to "It took me a little while to get over the period of not communicating but now..."

Hi my sweetie, I'm so glad that you feel comfortable enough to openly talk about this. Many of us have had problems within our families, and I can assure you that you will get ongoing caring support from me and your other friends within our community. It is hard my dear to get over the challenges in life and as you know I am a great believer in my fairy steps and to take on at a time. I am sure that you will not; cause any distress to any of us on here. I am so glad that you feel that you can trust in me to be your friend and others that you have made as well. The journey does seem long at times sweetie, but with friends by your side things are alot easier and the road becomes shorter as you travel along it. Don;t worry about making me or anyone else feel uncomfortable because you wont my dear friend. Always here as you know if you need me anytime Take care Annie x0

Dearest Annie, thank you for everything... big hugs xoxoxo

Always here for you if you need me sweetie xo

Good 4u.

Thank you for your support China. 🙂

Hi Iraku
Yeah I get those I don't want to talk periods. Usually they include not wanting to take my clothes of to shower/change anything.I retreat pretty far sometimes. I am glad you are coming back. Don't you worry about setting any of us off. Unlike what your mother probably said to you, you are not the cause of our distress/emotions. Post away

Hi LizKat, I'm so relate to the not shower nor change cloth....do that too often. Funny thing about me discovering about what my mother said and what I've found on my own experiences....I think everybody else were much nicer than her at the time. Nowadays she is accepting her wrong behaviour because I am unable to stay in contact with her and it gets to the point where even talking to her on the phone triggered my pain and my chronic fatigue. I have all sort of horrible physical reaction when she was trying to amend our relationship. Sadly if I want to live healthy both physical and mental then I can not have her in my life.

I have ended contact with most of my family too as no level of contact seems to be safe. The stress is tough on our bodies isn't it?

It is and it can elevate if were not careful to stay away from the stressors that can cause it to do so Hugs

True ...we are too fragile to stress. I'm still trying not to feel guilty when I don't do much. Be nice to my own body but still with loads of guilt of not doing anything for others.