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Neuropathy: Numbness only, no pain

Neuropathy | Last Active: 5 days ago | Replies (504)

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Thx for sharing all the invaluable info!

- Are you diabetic?
- if not, have you had a punch biopsy that confirms small fiber neuropathy?

If not, a MS Neurologist consult may be wise. If an option, consulting physicians at a teaching institution can be helpful for difficult to diagnose medical issues … w/ the most up-to-date knowledge + scanning equipment.

My wisdom … We know our body best + what is normal for us. If a doctor offers a diagnosis that doesn’t seem right, wise to keep consulting specialists until you find a doctor who offers a diagnosis that does.

At age 60, I started experiencing numerous symptoms, including toe pins + needles that over days increased to my feet, knees then waist + over weeks went back down to just my feet.

Initially I was told I had peripheral neuropathy, which seemed unusual … my A1c was .1 into pre-diabetic range. Over 3 years, I consulted numerous specialists at multiple teaching institutions, sharing numerous symptoms: leg weakness + heaviness, brain fog, extreme fatigue, hand tremors, speech challenges, GI issues, stomach distention, weight gain. I had several surgeries, myomectomy + parathyroidectomy, but symptoms continued. At age 63, on a walk on a 88 degree day, I suddenly started experiencing severe difficulty moving my legs. After a negative small fiber punch biopsy, spinal + brain MRIs revealed multiple lesions, a spinal tap was ordered + a multiple sclerosis (MS) Dx given.

I encourage all to educate about MS. The # of diagnosed cases is increasing … across all ethnicities. You may help yourself or someone you know or love to receive earlier diagnosis + treatment … which, like many conditions, is key to a better outcome.

Mayo Clinic Explains Multiple Sclerosis (6 min YouTube)

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Replies to "Hi! Thx for sharing all the invaluable info! Questions - Are you diabetic? - if not,..."

Hi Kath, I encourage you connect with other members living with multiple sclerosis (MS) in this discussion:
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - please introduce yourself https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/multiple-sclerosis-ms-please-introduce-yourself/

I'm confident your experiences in getting a diagnosis and living with MS will be really helpful to newcomers.