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Possible Vaginal Cancer

Gynecologic Cancers | Last Active: Feb 25, 2023 | Replies (35)

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Hi @savypaige25. Of course you are scared, nervous - your feelings are real and valid!!! The not knowing, the waiting, are the worse. And it causes us to imagine all kinds of things because it is our nature to want answers. And to want them now! But take a deep breath...you only have what you are used to, what you know about your own body, to go on. If you have had irregular periods your whole life, why wouldn't you consider that normal? Anybody would. You have done nothing wrong. On the contrary, you have done everything right - you paid attention to your body, you are not ignoring what you have found, you contacted your doctor, and you have an upcoming appointment. These are good first steps! If this is difficult for your husband to talk about, is there someone else you can talk to? A close family member or friend? And could that person go with you to your appointment? In the meantime, practice self-care, do what makes you happy and relaxed - get a pedi, go for a walk, watch your favorite funny movie, go out with friends, take a nap....try to distract yourself. Try to eat well and get some extra rest. And keep taking deep breaths!! Practice the 4-7-8. Breathe in through your nose slowly and deeply for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, and breathe out through your mouth slowly for 8 seconds. This has been shown to actually slow down heart rate and calm. You are young and probably a lot stronger than you realize and can do this. This is a good place to come when you don't know where else to go. We get it!! And we're here 🙂 Keep us posted. And breathe!!!

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Replies to "Hi @savypaige25. Of course you are scared, nervous - your feelings are real and valid!!! The..."

Thank you so much.. I needed that. Yes I'm very nervous.