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@hfoster, I've always been told to listen to my body and only taper when I had control of the pain. For me that was when the pain when I woke up was less than a 1 or 2 on my scale of 1 to 10. Even then it would normally get better once I started moving around and I still felt good before taking my next dose of prednisone for the day.

You mentioned that you have really not felt any difference in your pain levels since you tapered to 9 mg. Do you keep a daily pain log along with how much prednisone you are taking? What is your pain level been while at 9 mg the past 5 days?

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Replies to "@hfoster, I've always been told to listen to my body and only taper when I had..."

Thank you, John. Should have mentioned that my pain level is about a 2 then gets better during the day. I have felt a bit better the last few days than I did last week, so I was thinking another drop from 9mg to 8mg may be OK. But, wanted to hear from others who have been down this road as I don't want to trigger a flare by making too many changes too soon to the Pred. My Dr. recommended going from 10mg to 7.5mg and staying there for 3-4 weeks. However, he said to listen to my body and gave me the scripts I needed to just go down 1mg at a time for as long as I need. He felt 1mg at a time from 10mg to 7mg was a bit conservative and "prolonging my time on Pred" but then again, he was a bit too aggressive moving me quickly from starting dose to 10mg. He wants me off Prednisone ASAP.