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Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and feeling blank

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Oct 30, 2022 | Replies (70)

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I had CRPS as a result of an ankle injury sustained falling down a full flight of stairs in a summer salting rolling manner landing on my back on the hardwood floor. Ouch, that hurt! In a way I was fortunate, I could have killed myself and was super relieved that I only had the ankle injury that wouldn’t go away. Turns out I had developed CRPS. I couldn’t walk at all let alone put any weight at all on that ankle. What followed was one year of rehab at a physio clinic specialized in cprs. Rehab was a lot of work and it sometimes hurt. In the end, in about 18 months I was able to walk again without much pain. The rehab program was really what got me walking again as I graduated from wheel chair to crutches to a cane and finally no support aids. If you are able to tolerate a rehab program it might help you, depending on your condition.


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Replies to "I had CRPS as a result of an ankle injury sustained falling down a full flight..."

@willow First, congratulations are in order for your determination and perseverance to get out of a wheelchair. How long has it been since you completed the rehabilitation program, and how have you maintained your progress since?

It sounds like a wonderful opportunity in finding a specialized rehabilitation for CRPS. Did you have to travel far?