@westcom I am a spine surgery patient for cervical stenosis. I wanted to share some information with you. Consider the possibility that along with your lumbar spinal stenosis and symptoms related to that, there can also be a muscular syndrome that mimics a spine problem adding more symptoms and confusion in your diagnosis.
I like to refer patients to this website with very detailed articles related to physical problems that is written for physical therapists and there are several spine related articles.
Please see this link:
for the article, " How to Identify and Treat Lumbar Plexus Compression Syndrome (LPCS)"
Here is an excerpt which describes a similar issue to what you have described.
"This case report describes a 46-year-old female who experienced symptoms of low back pain with pain radiating into the right gluteal area. The thoracolumbar junction is described as a predominant contributor to the symptomatology. Its complementary role to the lumbosacral junction is enumerated. – Sebastian, 2006
A frequently overlooked cause of testicular and buttock pain is irritation of the T10-L1 sensory nerve roots, the genitofemoral nerve, and the ilioinguinal nerve. – Doubleday et al., 2003"
Does this sound like something familiar to you? Perhaps you may want to share this information with your medical provider or physical therapist.
Jennifer: Thank you for the information and suggested related possibilities. I will check them out. I also have a T11-12 compression of the spinal cord which is causing balance instability and will require surgery. My neurosurgeon ( who did his residency at Mayo Rochester) is unsure about laminectomy of L4-5 with fusion ( I have a spondolithesis there) because symptoms don’t correlate with MRI findings. No leg pain, just intermittent low back pain and the PN that is debilitating.