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HELP! Severe Constipation and P.O.T.S.

Digestive Health | Last Active: Aug 22, 2022 | Replies (7)

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I'm very surprised that none of these health "professionals" have suggested an enema. Not the little 4oz kind you buy at the drug store. The real thing, with the bag and rubber hose. I'm also very surprised that no one has done a CT scan when she comes to the ER puking green bile. When that happens to me, it's a sure sign of a blockage.
I have Crohn's disease and have been down this road many times. What type of medical facility is treating her ?
Try to get her to a teaching hospital that is affiliated with a Medical School. These are only my opinions, based on my personal experience. Good luck to you.

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Replies to "I'm very surprised that none of these health "professionals" have suggested an enema. Not the little..."

Thank you for your response! We have been quite surprised at a lot of what we have gotten. Her PCP tried a few treatments but pretty quickly sent her to a specialist. That specialist actually told us not going for two weeks was normal ??? He then gave us three different medications at once stating the first would work and she would never make it to the final option. After 6 weeks of trials with no true BM we switched her back to Children's Hospital, feeling they were treating her constipation as an elderly person where the issue becomes normal, not the 16 year old she was. We stuck with the doctor at Children's & the many trial medications for a few years. Looking back through chart notes, where he wrote completely opposite notes of what was being told to him, we realize this was wasted time. This is when we switched to another specialist. Our first appointment with him she was sent home with acid reflux medicine for the throwing up. This was after stressing to him she goes up to two months without a BM. I specifically asked about a blockage and he said usually like 80% of the time that is not what the issue is...no medical reason or test to rule it out, just that it's not usually the answer. By the 2nd appt & being sent home with the same meds she had been on & no answers that's when I asked how long her body could continue to go 2mths at a time and her be okay?! And that's when he said "I don't know" and ordered an X-ray. This was the first "test" she had had since the first X-ray in 2019. They listen to her & agree everything is very slow moving and can see she is backed up but nothing but bloodwork is ever done. I know it's going to take us getting the right doctor but trial and error with multiple ones is so tiring on her and frustrating to me! Sorry for the information overload, it just gets overwhelming! We will continue our journey of looking for a doctor to listen as well as act and pray we haven't wasted too much time. Thanks for the input & luck!