← Return to Mass found on CT scan, going for an endoscopy and scared

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Thank you, no, you are right, getting worked up hasn’t helped anything but has me run down physically and mentally. It’s been so difficult to focus on my work and family. And yes, I’ve been on Google every day, so maybe that’s my first thing that I need to stop. It’s so kind of you to say that you will be here for me, I’ve found a wonderful place here, I appreciate your kindness, it means so much. I was suppose to have my endoscopy on the 6th, but I got covid, and they have to wait until the 29th now, the waiting has been awful for me. If there is anything I can pray for you about or if you ever need anyone to chat with, I’m also here.

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Replies to "Ginger, Thank you, no, you are right, getting worked up hasn’t helped anything but has me..."

@klsmidwestmom Your screen name indicates for me that you may be a couple hours ahead of where i am in Oregon. If so, I trust you have settled down for the evening. How to do that, how to distract yourself? Do you have a book you are reading? How about a quiet hobby? I crochet things for charity, and that will let me zone out. [my husband says usually I relax so much I fall asleep within a half-hour!] Or a coloring book to distract you? Purring ball of fur in your lap?

One thing that has helped me many times, is to write it out. Personally I do best with paper and pen, but many will journal in a word program on computer. The act of "getting it out of your system" gives anything less power, too. No one has to read it again, even you, if you choose not to. Try it!

Deep breath, in and out slowly, relax into it...