← Return to Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

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I had Covid in May and finally felt like myself again the end of July. After hosting my five grandsons and enjoying lots of activity for five days (08/11 on, I suddenly lost balance and got dizzy when I turned my head in any direction. I’ve had inner ear and poor balance stuff before, this is different.
I’m using a cane now, which I used intermittently after I broke my neck several years ago.
I’m hoping my Vestibular system calms down when I’m fully rested. I think Covid damaged my system.

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Replies to "I had Covid in May and finally felt like myself again the end of July. After..."

Try physical therapy for vestibular issues. It really worked for me after Covid.

I have had the same symptoms on and off. It's very disturbing and I feel unsure of myself often. I had covid in August 2020 and post covid symptoms are still part of my everyday life. I do have a low resting HR and low BP so that can't help. Even though I have not been officially diagnosed with POTS, I just started a POTS (Post Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) exercise program. U of MI's Post Covid Clinic is treating symptoms like ours with this regime, even thought we don't fit the exact diagnosis of POTS. I'm only three weeks in. We'll see. Here's the website: https://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/pdf/CHOP_Modified_Dallas_POTS_Exercise_Program.pdf