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Hi there Lori; I am running no circles and I do get bored since I moved in with my son and his wife. I am alone 99% of the time. Watching TV Netflix most all day. Seems as if I am part of each show.
I play cards a little on computer.

I used to read a lot, but since the virus came along I don't get to the Library. And I did splurge on a Winsor-Newton size 10 brush. It seems to take in a lot of water & color, but little comes out. And when I clean it, it takes forever for the paint to stop coming out. I think I got a bad brush. Painting was more fun at home where I had a studio, moving as I see it now was a bad choice. However, I would probably be in a nursing home if I had not sold my house.

I am the last of my family of 6 siblings. Have 2 sons, they have no children ..One daughter but she is no longer alive. I have outlived most of my friends. Have two that call now and then. That is where I am now, maybe I will perk up one of these days.
You keep up the good work.

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Replies to "Hi there Lori; I am running no circles and I do get bored since I moved..."

I know you did not ask me for advice, and I apologize if I am overstepping here. I am 69. Some awful things have happened to me in my lifetime, as well. All I want to say is, yes, it is sometimes very hard. Do you have a senior center somewhere near by? Maybe a place to connect. Also, is there a church near-by that has senior groups? And I have seen mini watercolor painting options. I found a kit of some sort years ago and sent one to one of my daughters who has very limited storage space. And then, what has helped me is my doctor, who recognized a resurgence of depression in me and changed my meds....what a wonderful, intuitive young doctor! All the best to you...all the best.