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I started experiencing bad anxiety and some depression after Covid and developing some physical issues (dizziness going on 8 months now, among others). My anxiety came on as chest pain, nausea, heart palpitations, tingling in arms and legs, stomach issues, crying spells, etc. I told my husband I wanted to climb out of my body, it felt unbearable - like I was holding my breath 24 hrs a day. I have never experienced anything like this, to this extent, prior to this year. I asked my doctor for medication we tried Lexapro and I reacted terribly, so started on Buspirone and stayed on that for a few months - was at 15mg 2x. I was still having crying spells, it was making me dizzy in the morning, and I still had anxiety anytime I felt physically unwell or something new, on top of continued constant worry. I started seeing a Psychiatrist and we decided to try something different. I'm still searching for the right medication for me, but in the meantime I have been off the Buspirone for 3 weeks (scary to be on nothing at first) and I have realized that it wasn't as effective for my anxiety as I wanted to believe it was. I also practice guided breathing/meditations through my Fitbit app (they help more the more I do them), and do weekly therapy that has helped me to realize what's happening to me, how to try to cope with it, how my thoughts contribute, etc. I try to take life one day at a time, to go for short walks to get outside, and do my best to go to work each day, even when it feels hard, to be around others and have some sense of purpose. I have bad days. All that to say - Be open to therapy if it's an option for you, and don't be afraid to talk to your doctor or a Psychiatrist who might be able to help you with a more effective medication plan if this one isn't working for you. I recently read an old book called Hope and Help For Your Nerves - it's not modern, but it really resonated with me. Best of luck to you, just know it will get better for us.

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Replies to "I started experiencing bad anxiety and some depression after Covid and developing some physical issues (dizziness..."

It’s not really anxiety - it’s your nervous system being over charged by many factors. I am working with all sorts of alternative healers after Western docs had nothing to help me. Coconut water and electrolytes are calming along with magnesium, ice pack on your head and face, natural sunlight every day, walking, gardening, things that help your vagus nerve function properly - tongue scraping, gargling, singing. Eating increased amounts of antioxidants - dark grapes and berries. Reiki is awesome. Anything you can do to keep the ‘anxiety’ and other symptoms at a low level before they get full blown helps your system start learning to be calm again - I have found. Hang in there. When you feel a good moment sit with that and take in that feeling - your body and mind learn from that.

Hi, just read your post. I noted it is dated Aug 2022. I’m wondering how you are doing now? Have you found anything additional since writing this that has helped? I identify with your feelings. I have suffered with Long Covid symptoms for quite some time. They get better but then return. However I am seeing slow improvement. I developed panic attacks at night after never experiencing one in my life. I take Trazadone for sleep but it has caused weight gain. . I intend to check out some apps. Thanks for your suggestions. I used to think the anxiety was from the worry about the symptoms themselves and I do think that’s part of it. I’ve lost a lot of hair. How can you not feel anxiety from finding a handful in your hand when you shampoo? Same with The weight gain! And There are just so many awful physical symptoms that cause pain, fatigue and constant discomfort,etc.. Then there are the psychological symptoms as well. However, I’ve come to believe at least part of the anxiety has developed as a true medical condition. I can just “feel” something going on in my body. Things just feel “off” , so to speak. It’s hard to explain. I just do not feel like myself since Covid. Sometimes I feel like a different person than the one I was for 65 years. I’ve had the anxiety that most of us go through while raising children, losing a parent, having a teaching career, being diagnosed with serious illness and coping with life’s struggles. However “this anxiety” is different. I wish you the best of luck and will be thinking of you!