Sharp pain under Knee cap

Posted by emily05286 @emily05286, Aug 8, 2022

I had a bad ACL replacement 8 years ago. The doctors have tried everything. I had 6 more surgeries of a partial knee, ACL, meniscus repair and a cartilage transplant to help. Nothing has, Doctors finally decided on a TKR which I had on Tuesday, but that sharp pain under my knee cap is still there. Anyone have experience with this? I'm 36 and I'm s fearful I'll have this forever. I do not know what to do anymore.

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Hi @emily05286, and welcome to Connect.
There are a couple of conversations that you can reference regarding the pain under your knee cap.
- Knee cap pain after knee replacement surgery 7 week post op:
- Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) or Runner's knee:

Here is an article on that: "Runner's knee refers to knee pain that starts behind or around your kneecap. This condition is common in active adults. Symptoms include a dull ..." --- Sudden Knee Pain: Possible Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment:

So was the sharp pain there from the beginning or did it come after one of the surgeries?


Hi Amanda,

Thanks for the quick reply. It came after the 1st surgery, hasn't been resolved since.


Hi Amanda,

Thanks for the quick reply. It came after the 1st surgery, hasn't been resolved since. The first article on the Saphenous Nerve sounds exactly what im experiencing. Thank you

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