Medical marijuana vape for pain relief from Peripheral Neuropathy?

Posted by Steve @stevebern, Jul 31, 2022


Does anyone here use a vape cartridge for pain relief? My feet hurt all the time, not terrible in the morning but by evening they scream at me. I find that a single puff makes all the pain and worry all go away for about 90 minutes, then I fall asleep. I only use it at night, and have tried not doing it two nights in a row, but as the pain gets worse I have used it two nights in a row, and last night was the first time I had it three nights in a row.

I’m concerned about my body getting used to it, and that it will stop working. I’m 58, in great health, and want to know I will have this relief for many years.

I guess the question is, if I use it too much now, will I lose it later, when it will probably be so much worse?

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Sounds like a long process to get. I live in Texas, (and cannot walk or even get out of bed, can't stand up). Is it necessary to get a kind you smoke? I'd rather not smoke. Maybe they have chocolate candy or brownies.

People have been smoking MJ for 100's of years, many famous poets, artists, and musicians. I think you are using in major moderation.

If you were 5 yrs old, that would be another story, but I would NOT worry about long term effects for sure. And trust me, the side effects of many meds, ie heart meds, are devastating and long term. Gimme some M any day!!!

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Hello to all it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here but I agree with THC / CBD combo
that being said I’m like most I live in a State it’s illegal to posse there trying to get it legalized for medical purposes .
The folks that our making these decisions needs to walk in our shoes for just a week the entire board that’s discussing the why and why not .. Show them what pain really feels like every time you’re heart beats 24-7 7 days a week can’t sleep can’t keep a fitted sheet on your bed because your rip them to shreds yeah I’m that guy with the pain level that at the pain clinic your sheet don’t go high enough because 10 is a joke in comparison all week our asking for is a better life if it’s THC that will help and it’s all natural from the earth soil then why not I would give it a shot for the pain I don’t want to get High because I don’t like that feeling tried It when I was a teenager but If they have something just for the pain I’d be all in without the cloudiness
Sorry for the long post but I think if your going to be the decision maker on these topics it should be someone that knows what you go through on a daily bases . God bless everyone on this board 🙏🏻


Hello to all it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here but I agree with THC / CBD combo
that being said I’m like most I live in a State it’s illegal to posse there trying to get it legalized for medical purposes .
The folks that our making these decisions needs to walk in our shoes for just a week the entire board that’s discussing the why and why not .. Show them what pain really feels like every time you’re heart beats 24-7 7 days a week can’t sleep can’t keep a fitted sheet on your bed because your rip them to shreds yeah I’m that guy with the pain level that at the pain clinic your sheet don’t go high enough because 10 is a joke in comparison all week our asking for is a better life if it’s THC that will help and it’s all natural from the earth soil then why not I would give it a shot for the pain I don’t want to get High because I don’t like that feeling tried It when I was a teenager but If they have something just for the pain I’d be all in without the cloudiness
Sorry for the long post but I think if your going to be the decision maker on these topics it should be someone that knows what you go through on a daily bases . God bless everyone on this board 🙏🏻

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My doctor told me to not use the or CBD. The pain is so I and the gabapentin isn’t helping. It make everything worse.


Hello to all it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here but I agree with THC / CBD combo
that being said I’m like most I live in a State it’s illegal to posse there trying to get it legalized for medical purposes .
The folks that our making these decisions needs to walk in our shoes for just a week the entire board that’s discussing the why and why not .. Show them what pain really feels like every time you’re heart beats 24-7 7 days a week can’t sleep can’t keep a fitted sheet on your bed because your rip them to shreds yeah I’m that guy with the pain level that at the pain clinic your sheet don’t go high enough because 10 is a joke in comparison all week our asking for is a better life if it’s THC that will help and it’s all natural from the earth soil then why not I would give it a shot for the pain I don’t want to get High because I don’t like that feeling tried It when I was a teenager but If they have something just for the pain I’d be all in without the cloudiness
Sorry for the long post but I think if your going to be the decision maker on these topics it should be someone that knows what you go through on a daily bases . God bless everyone on this board 🙏🏻

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May want to research the permanent damage caused by today's cannibis.


It’s been around for 4000 years anything you take or do to much of has it’s consequences . Permanent damage 🤔 Isn’t that with anything you do to much of ? Or taking more then prescribed? It’s all questionable. If it’s legalized and I was able to obtain I’m not going to sit down and smoke all of it in an hour . So if I person that drank alcohol I go buy a liter of whiskey I know right from wrong since I was 6 so I know better to drink a liter it’s going to some point give it me liver damage shut my kidneys down and please don’t get into a car that drunk kill everyone on the road including yourself . We know what not to do it’s a choice . We want the choice … one chooses not to that’s up to that individual you know the risks … Again to much of anything isn’t not good for yeah but being smart about it I’d say a little bit goes along way I’m sure there is plenty here that can chime in on there thoughts of before there journeys began without OUT IT and NOW of how they feel since legalized to there situation Cheers let’s here what you have to say about the permanent damage


Hello to all it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here but I agree with THC / CBD combo
that being said I’m like most I live in a State it’s illegal to posse there trying to get it legalized for medical purposes .
The folks that our making these decisions needs to walk in our shoes for just a week the entire board that’s discussing the why and why not .. Show them what pain really feels like every time you’re heart beats 24-7 7 days a week can’t sleep can’t keep a fitted sheet on your bed because your rip them to shreds yeah I’m that guy with the pain level that at the pain clinic your sheet don’t go high enough because 10 is a joke in comparison all week our asking for is a better life if it’s THC that will help and it’s all natural from the earth soil then why not I would give it a shot for the pain I don’t want to get High because I don’t like that feeling tried It when I was a teenager but If they have something just for the pain I’d be all in without the cloudiness
Sorry for the long post but I think if your going to be the decision maker on these topics it should be someone that knows what you go through on a daily bases . God bless everyone on this board 🙏🏻

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Does it make you not feel the burning and stinging and numbness?


You will always have the numbness will calm it some . But the burning and stinging will be the most significant difference you’ll see it’s worth it to try and will help in the sleep department it don’t take much


Does it make you not feel the burning and stinging and numbness?

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For me, everything goes away... the numbness, burning, deep pain... as well as the worries about what happens next, and how far it might go.


Really should look into the side of effects of modern day cannibis.


May want to research the permanent damage caused by today's cannibis.

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what permanent damage can cannabis do to adults? We are talking about using it for pain and it is proven that it does work.


what permanent damage can cannabis do to adults? We are talking about using it for pain and it is proven that it does work.

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Do it spy for Gerd ? And I have neuropathy and epilepsy. Do it help for theses?

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