Usefulness of Vitamin D supplements for bone health

Posted by windyshores @windyshores, Jul 28, 2022

I was surprised to read this one study on Vitamin D supplementation. I would expect a recommendation to wear less sunscreen! Of course, the opinion may change in the medical establishment, as it often does. See below:

That daily vitamin D pill doesn't lower risk of bone fractures, study finds
It has seemed like such a good idea for such a long time, but a large new study in NEJM again knocks down vitamin D taken as a supplement or part of a multivitamin, concluding it does not help prevent broken bones. When our bodies make the vitamin from sunlight or eat it in food, yes, it helps keep bones healthy. But daily doses of supplemental vitamin D did not significantly lower total bone fractures, nonvertebral fractures, or hip fractures in a study of 25,871 adults, more than half of whom were women, and one-fifth were Black.

“The key here is that it takes only small to moderate amounts of vitamin D to improve bone health to maintain bone health,” study leader JoAnn Manson of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, who has led multiple vitamin D studies, told STAT’s Elissa Welle. “And more is not necessarily better.”

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I also have been getting us all as a family to take more Vit D because we live on Vancouver Island in the Pacific North West which is mostly covered in cloud for the whole winter. I just saw the news this week re Vit D supplements so for now we have all have stopped them. To be honest I wonder if the hundreds if not thousands of GBP then CAD $ I have probably spent on supplements in my lifetime,I'm 69 yrs old this yr, have been a total waste of my hard earned money ?


I'm still taking D3 but not for bone health although I did think it helped until I read the study. There's more to taking Vitamin D than bone health.

" Also, laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation. Many of the body’s organs and tissues have receptors for vitamin D, which suggest important roles beyond bone health, and scientists are actively investigating other possible functions."
-- Vitamin D:


I'm still taking D3 but not for bone health although I did think it helped until I read the study. There's more to taking Vitamin D than bone health.

" Also, laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation. Many of the body’s organs and tissues have receptors for vitamin D, which suggest important roles beyond bone health, and scientists are actively investigating other possible functions."
-- Vitamin D:

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John wrote, "There's more to taking Vitamin D than bone health."

Exactly. I'm taking vitamin D3 in reasonable amounts because it is actually a hormone and not a vitamin and, as with hormones in general, including estrogen, has multiple roles. I've lived through the trends of people taking way too much vitamins A and E and tryptophan and other stuff that go in, and out, of media hoopla and just read the science and go with what seems to make sense. It's harder to correct over-doing this stuff (yet alone getting a correct diagnosis if you do), than starting cautiously and adding more if merited.


My blood levels remain adequate (52 last time). Years ago, without supplements, it was 14. I have a hard time believing the current level isn't helpful for bones and yes, many other health benefits.

I have lupus and get sick in the sun. I am allergic to dairy. I need artificial supplements for both Vitamin D and calcium.

@anniebrook in your situation, I personally would not stop the D. I would take a reasonable amount. We'll see what other studies tell us.

Sunscreen blocks Vitamin D absorption so we don't get skin cancer but we have low levels of D!


I'm still taking D3 but not for bone health although I did think it helped until I read the study. There's more to taking Vitamin D than bone health.

" Also, laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation. Many of the body’s organs and tissues have receptors for vitamin D, which suggest important roles beyond bone health, and scientists are actively investigating other possible functions."
-- Vitamin D:

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@johnbishop I am also taking D3 50,000 units every two weeks. I started it years ago because my parathyroid (PTH) was high and Vit D very low. As my Vit D was increasing to normal levels, so was my PTH coming back down to normal.

Several years ago I attended a seminar on Vit D. A interesting fact I learned was Vit D is best absorbed from the sun through our abdomen when exposed while outdoors. You are right there is more than just bone health. I am put on Vit D by my Endo Doc. to correct my imbalance and always be on it.

P.S. How is the view out your back window? I hope better than mine—lots of heat and no rain. Everything is dying and has turned brown. Not worth taking a picture of to share. Hope all is well with you. KLH


@johnbishop I am also taking D3 50,000 units every two weeks. I started it years ago because my parathyroid (PTH) was high and Vit D very low. As my Vit D was increasing to normal levels, so was my PTH coming back down to normal.

Several years ago I attended a seminar on Vit D. A interesting fact I learned was Vit D is best absorbed from the sun through our abdomen when exposed while outdoors. You are right there is more than just bone health. I am put on Vit D by my Endo Doc. to correct my imbalance and always be on it.

P.S. How is the view out your back window? I hope better than mine—lots of heat and no rain. Everything is dying and has turned brown. Not worth taking a picture of to share. Hope all is well with you. KLH

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Hi @kilh, I take D3 4000 IU daily as part of my neuropathy supplements. Hot outside today - 88 degrees so not much going on. It's still kind of green but we had a good shower that came through a few days ago. I'm just staying inside and waiting for the coolness of the morning to fill the bird feeder 🙃


@johnbishop I was sending a reply to you and before I posted the comment, it disappeared. This is a rewrite but not as good as the first one. Thank you for the reply, for I learned something today. I have neuro in my feet along with Raynard's so maybe my D3 has been helping me and I was not aware. I am grateful to you and all the others that share on Mayo Connect. I have gained so much knowledge and questions answered from reading comments posted. I am more informed and know the right questions to ask my PCP, Cardio, and Endo Docs. when I send a message or at an appt.

I guess you have been keeping out of trouble staying well. If the view gets better post a picture. It is great to see other parts of the country with views from out the back window. Many thanks. KLH


'Vitamin D' is a hormone, not a vitamin as we think of them. It makes sense that any of it that the body can make is likely going to be 'better' than what we can buy. I now wonder if years of sailing off the coast of Florida protected me from osteoporosis, so far, with the sunlight extra strong because reflected off water and white decks. I now take D3, having moved inshore to the mountains.


I also have been getting us all as a family to take more Vit D because we live on Vancouver Island in the Pacific North West which is mostly covered in cloud for the whole winter. I just saw the news this week re Vit D supplements so for now we have all have stopped them. To be honest I wonder if the hundreds if not thousands of GBP then CAD $ I have probably spent on supplements in my lifetime,I'm 69 yrs old this yr, have been a total waste of my hard earned money ?

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My last blood test showed I was low in Vitamin D - in the Brisbane summer! Could hardly believe it. Obviously have been a bit too concerned about skin cancer!


In terms of bone deterioration, as with so many other health problems, everyone’s bones do weaken and lose density as we age. No escaping this fact. Do what you must and don’t think of this as related to something you’ve done wrong in your life. We just can’t stay young forever! 😁

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