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Sorry you went through this. I had something similar though before whole covid i end up somehow with fungal pna in 2019, was on anti fungal therapy treatment for 3 months. Cough never went away even with inhalers, so thats when pulm md did tests and i was dx with asthma in 2020 at age of 44. Now two years i am finally accepting that i have asthma and i need to take inhalers as maintenance otherwise my disbelief and non compliance backfires at me and i need oral steroids. I had covid end of April 2022 and i end up with infiltrates in both low lobes. Initially bad cough was treated with doxy. Then my o2 was dropping and round of dexamethasone and azythromyacin. Lots of inhaler, initially every 3-4 hrsto help with breathing : both albuterol and atrovent. It was pretty intense and challenging. O2 at home. I was also doing acupuncture, cupping and herbs and still try to keep going. Massage also helpled along the way if you find massage therapist who knows how to release diaphragm muscles and intercostals from being so sore and painful from cough

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Replies to "Sorry you went through this. I had something similar though before whole covid i end up..."

I had a pulmonary trifecta (influenza B, mycoplasma pneumonia and whopping cough identified by antibody blood tests only after the fact) after getting too cold and wet, too many times, sailing a Great Lake in October.

I wish I'd tried massage as that might have helped me heal faster. I do know that years of deep breathing exercises before this helped a lot. The pulmonologist could find no residual scar tissue and the lung function test result was excellent. As an ex-smoker, that was surprising but I thought it confirmed the benefits of yoga exercises designed to use more of our lung capacity than we usually do. There's a lot of good instruction on YouTube to help using more lung capacity. I found some that helped calm cough reflex as well when I was first healing from the trifecta