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Hello @pacodennis. Gabapentin can take up to 2-4 weeks before you feel pain relief so it may just need some more time.

Here is some information that may be helpful to you as you explore your symptoms that you think could potentially be serotonin syndrome.

- Serotonin syndrome - Symptoms and causes: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/serotonin-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20354758

After you read the information, I'd be curious if you'd like to share what you feel aligns with what you are experiencing.

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Replies to "Hello @pacodennis. Gabapentin can take up to 2-4 weeks before you feel pain relief so it..."

Hi Amanda,
I have been on Gabapentin for 9 days, so I am waiting to see if it works. In the mean time I have to learn more about what is happening to me and how to cope with it. This forum is great...i am so glad I found you.
I have been taking Citalopram 40mg, and Clonazepam 2mg for 12 years. I am 70 years old. I think that my metabolism is not processing the drugs efficiently any more. I developed IBS 10 years ago and started using Medical Marijuana to help relieve some symptoms. About 6 months ago I started having headaches. which spread to my sinuses, and then to my abdomen and feet/ankles. As this progressed I increased the amount of THC to releave the pain. I am thinking that the combination of Psych. meds plus the THC caused this peripheral neuropathy.
As I read the symptoms for seratonin syndrome there was no mention of painful burning extremities ( especially while asleep ). So I am not as sure and almost can rule it out...but it still could be involved in how effective my liver is functioning. In the hospital my main Doc said they wanted to make sure my liver was processing it all. The blood tests said that is was doing ok, could be a little better. So, I really have to wait to see a specialist, which looks like a couple months away right now. They didn't seem to think the THC was the problem...but I am not sure. Thank you!