What kind of mobility can I expect with an antibiotic spacer in my hip

Posted by mrfish @mrfish, Nov 3, 2017

About 11 months ago, I had a total (right) hip replacement. No injuries led me to the decision to undergo that, just arthritic pain that had become gradually worse over 20+ years. Several months after the surgery, I developed an infection at the joint but it took a while to get that properly diagnosed. So, in less than two weeks I'll undergo the first of the two surgeries/stages to elminate the infection and replace the implant. I've read that the antibiotic spacer I'll have for 2-3 months will provide "limited mobility" but I'm struggling with what that really means. I'd apperciate any further information I can get from others who have undergone this same procedure. I expect 2-3 days of hospitalization following the surgery and IV antibiotic infusions several times a day (self-administered).

I'm an (otherwise) healthy 48yo male and I was very happy with how quickly I was able to bounce back from the original hip replacment. I'm sure there will be a week or so of recovery from the surgery itself -- but after that am I going to be mostly home-bound for the interim, or is driving myself and working in an office setting (on a limited schedule) a possibility? What other aspects are there to living for a with a hip spacer?

Thank you in advance for your help on this,
Art in Alaska.

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I had 4 hip replacement surgeries and had 3 infections. In the last surgery they put in a hip spacer with anti-infection stuff added to the cement. I still need a cane or two or a walker to get around. The hip seems to give when I walk. The dr. says I should leave it in indefinitely but I want to walk like a normal person again without mobility aids. Has anyone been able to walk normally with a hip spacer?

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Hi @sharronp79. Wanted to welcome you to Mayo Clinic Connect. I saw that you were looking at the length of time you can go with a spacer in, so I thought I would share this discussion with you so you can connect with people and read what they had to say.
- How long are your able to keep a hip spacer in (so far 3 years)
What started your journey with all these surgeries, a break?


Has anyone been able to work normally with a hip spacer?


There is a class action lawsuit going on around one manufacturer regarding a defective hip replacement product. A toll free number in my viewing area (NC) says that if you have to, or have had to, have other surgeries after this product was placed in your body then you need to call. You may have also been a victim. Call your local television station to find out if you are included in this demographic population.

Consumers should be more involved about the brands or products given to them by medical providers. all products are not equal. If you can't afford the best rated product, I would suggest setting up a Go Fund Me product and shoot for the best products. You have the best services, if you are at the Mayo Clinic.


I just joined this group and my question is basically exactly what you are facing soon. My 2 stage revision surgery is scheduled for next month. I don’t have any help at home so will most likely head to a Rehab facility until I can be more independent. I hope to only be there a few weeks but need to go upstairs to take a shower. I know with my hip replacement I did stairs the minute I got home. Have you heard how long it takes to manage stairs? Also do you know how quickly you can drive? TIA.


There is a class action lawsuit going on around one manufacturer regarding a defective hip replacement product. A toll free number in my viewing area (NC) says that if you have to, or have had to, have other surgeries after this product was placed in your body then you need to call. You may have also been a victim. Call your local television station to find out if you are included in this demographic population.

Consumers should be more involved about the brands or products given to them by medical providers. all products are not equal. If you can't afford the best rated product, I would suggest setting up a Go Fund Me product and shoot for the best products. You have the best services, if you are at the Mayo Clinic.

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Excellent advice. I recently had both knees replaced. The surgeon used the Mako robotic assistant. I researched both the surgeon and Mako (now a part of Stryker) and knew in advance exactly what was being used for the prosthesis, and how the Mako device worked.

Everything turned out great. But back to your point, people should question everything with their surgeon, or any doctor, nurse, PA, whomever. I find that the best medical professionals welcome and encourage these questions. If you have a Dr who finds questions an inconvenience, find another Dr.



6 years ago I had a revision of my hip in which I had damaged after a fall . It took 2 years to finally know why I was in so much pain …I had a infection and had formed into 2 large mass type cysts .
So I had a two phase hip operation to deal with , the surgeon said after clearing the infection and replacing with a temporary hip ( which was actually a proper implant ) and have a pik line administered via upper arm for 6 weeks , with a daily change over .
Once infection cleared I was to get a custom built cage for me and another implant put in approximately 3 months later .
I walked pretty good with the temp one was like a new one and seemed to recover and move well , but unfortunately I dislocated twice between operations. Then had custom one done and looked to be going well then boom dislocated 2 more times .
He then tried to change angle and that went well for 9 months but again 3 more dislocations.
I now have a capsulated cup to stop it coming out so far I’m 14 months without dislocating yay
What a bloody journey
I’m not sure what a spacer is or what it does but does not sound a very good option , I was told if my infection comes back I’d have no hip till infection is gone ! I couldn’t even imagine what that would be like , horrible I bet . I am able to move pretty good now but still have issues with pain and strength and am very weak in the thigh as my muscles were ravaged by the 2 year infection .
I feel for you all and I hope you manage in your way .
My advice would be never be gas lighted by doctors and surgeons and always say what it is you actually feel as you know best . Push for scans etc even if they say no , and always research things and do what you’ve done on here as talking about your journey is good and every little tid bit can help by listening to others eg like how to sleep correctly, exercise to your ability , never overdo things and believe you can push through . Best of luck

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Is there anyway for you to private message me? Looks like I'm headed for the same procedure.


Is there anyway for you to private message me? Looks like I'm headed for the same procedure.

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Welcome @greyhorse, To send a private message to another member, click on their @membername which takes you to their profile. Then click on the Send a private message link at the bottom of the members description. However, I would like to point out that by sharing on the forum, your messages benefit many and we can all learn from each other.

Are you also having trouble with a hip replacement or revision?


Welcome @greyhorse, To send a private message to another member, click on their @membername which takes you to their profile. Then click on the Send a private message link at the bottom of the members description. However, I would like to point out that by sharing on the forum, your messages benefit many and we can all learn from each other.

Are you also having trouble with a hip replacement or revision?

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Thank you. I had a resurfacing revision done a year ago in which the cup was replaced. It has never been right, and I dislocated sitting in my car when I leaned over to get something off the passenger seat. 🙁


My husband will get a hip spacer next month due to infection in 10 year old artificial hip joint. Can anyone tell me how much mobility he will have while waiting for the new hip?


My husband will get a hip spacer next month due to infection in 10 year old artificial hip joint. Can anyone tell me how much mobility he will have while waiting for the new hip?

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Hi @akdinwoodie, I moved your question about how much mobility your husband may have while waiting for the new hip to this simialr discussion started by @mrfish

- What kind of mobility can I expect with an antibiotic spacer in my hip: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/what-kind-of-mobility-can-i-expect-with-an-antibiotic-spacer-in-my-hip/

I did this so you can read the previous helpful posts and easily connect with other members like @bcs123456 @humbert0 @amallasch @sueinmn @cindyrd68 @heyjoe415

Has his infection cleared?

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