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Coclear Implants and Residual Hearing

Hearing Loss | Last Active: Jul 28, 2022 | Replies (4)

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Arieswoman, thanks so much for responding. It leads me to two more questions:
Did you maintain any residual hearing in the side with the CI?
What was the "homework" you mention?

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Replies to "Arieswoman, thanks so much for responding. It leads me to two more questions: Did you maintain..."

I have no residual hearing my CI side at all with my appliance removed at bedtime. So this brought up a concern. We had a meeting here at my apartment building with the fire department and this firewoman spoke. At the Q&A time I brought up my concerns that during the night I might not hear the smoke detectors. She immediately walked over and handed me her business card asking me to call her. The next day I did and they came out and installed an alarm clock with a bed shaker attached and programmed into the smoke detector! All of this at no cost to me. It also is an alarm clock to wake me up in the morning. Not necessary most of the time as I am retired. I can and do hear sharp sounds so I might have heard a smoke detector but why take the chance?

My app the speech therapist had me use the most is "IAngelSound" which is listening to different sounds at different speech speeds. I had 100% on my last appointment with the speech therapist. All of this in just 4 months since surgery.

I do have difficulties in a loud restaurant with music in the background. I think people with normal hearing do also. I think I do pretty well considering. I also have a Rogers mike and an app on my phone which is "Otter" and that works very well in meetings.