← Return to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy: What's your experience?

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Please explain more about what this therapy does.

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I've had 3 separate rounds of it...bc I've had very severe treatment resistant depression that started while I was in the military 30 yrs ago....it landed me 115 hospital visits....no, I'm not that messed up...just developed a bad imbalance from too much stress while the brain was still forming( many people don't realize that our brains our still forming until around 21 , and outside factors can influence chemical imbalance 4 remainder of life)
Anyways....just some info so u understand where I started.
The tms took only a couple of sessions to start working...but it was the best treatment ever to happen in my life. The noise is loud...they let me wear my music earbuds as long as they went inside the ear...which really made time fly....it did leave me with a headache each time....no biggie....Tylenol took care no problem...
There's no sedation....drove right off....increased energy and lost that isolative nature I've always had up to then...came out of my shell...started to enjoy things....notice nature around me...which helped depression even more...so it was all positive.
The reason 4 the 3 rounds was bc my Dr felt that my depression was so severe that he wanted the first two back to back to get more at it...and my insurance company agrees bc they didn't want anymore of my 3grand a day hospital bills.
The 3rd round was a year later...and bc it is similar to ect..you might need a " tune up round"... which was refreshing as well.
I still stayed on my meds for the time....it wasn't my goal for then to DC them...just to help the depression. I've been out of the hospital now for 4 yrs....which is the best in my adult life. I used to be in once a month.
I was so grateful to my psychiatrist that I agreed to be his representative for seminars he would hold for future clients interested in the procedure. It felt good to give back, and share my enthusiasm as a success story as a patient others in the past besides him gave up on.
If it doesn't work immediately, give it time. It's changing the chemicals in the brain..and that's not a 1,2 3 thing.
Persistence is the key to recovery, and resilience. Personally, I could have thrown it all away at hospital visit 80 , as I've lost at least 20 close friends along the way who chose the easy way out...and left painful memories I still cry over frequently.
I must have some really Higher reason to find the pathway to peace. It's in all of us, not just some of us. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fears.
I dont know who said the last 2 sentences....but it is my mantra. I hold onto it....bc I believe hope is contagious.
Peace to you..best wishes on your journey.