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I don't know if the Quest Cardiac IQ also looks at cholesterol molecule size. It was the cholesterol size and type that explained my 0 CAC (aka Agoststen score) for Dr. Agosten on the then-available Berkeley Cardio Profile despite my chronic high cholesterol.

I've mentioned this before here...that molecule size and 'stickiness' are significant variables impacting plaque buildup. The percentage of those molecules is what over-rides my high cholesterol and puts me in profile/category A ("optimal").

Exercise and diet can trigger more production of the "big, fluffy, non-sticky" cholesterol molecules according to Agosten and my current cardiologist. I have stressed this here as it's one significant variable one can effect without even taking a statin.

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Replies to "I don't know if the Quest Cardiac IQ also looks at cholesterol molecule size. It was..."

Glad to hear you have that kind of protection. It’s another aspect that just doesn’t make sense in my case. I’ve been very physically active through most of my life. Been running for 20 years. No evidence this has produced any kind of beneficial, CAC-preventive cholesterol though.