← Return to Chronic severe nocturnal hypnic headaches


Chronic severe nocturnal hypnic headaches

Sleep Health | Last Active: Sep 26, 2023 | Replies (239)

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Welcome back @taterjoy, It is great to see you back sharing your experience and especially good to hear you've found some answers. Thanks for giving this discussion some new life.

It sounds like the telephone appointments have made life a little easier for you. Have you done any video appointments with Mayo?

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Replies to "Welcome back @taterjoy, It is great to see you back sharing your experience and especially good..."

yes, John, I have done video appointments as well. It was very nice to meet Dr. Whealy and experience Mayo Rochester in January of 2020 (just before pandemic was official!) and to see that protective preparations for the pandemic were already in effect there. I enjoyed the Mayo history museum and the underground walkways! I also visited Mayo Scottdale soonafter to have sleep studies performed and both campuses were amazing.

Interestly, my Dad took my Mom to Mayo clinic in the 1970s when she was so very ill from an un-named "disease" at the time. No one at U of FLA was able to help her, and the Mayo Rochester Rheumatoligist my Dad took her to, immediately grasped that she had a full-flown condition now called "Fibromyalgia." At the time it was not yet "named" or recognized in the diagnostic manual. My Mom got the help she needed and is living a great life in her 90s! Our quality of life was (and IS) monumentally improved by our specialists at Mayo Clinic Rochester!