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It has to be so incredibly frustrating for you to have this level of fatigue. I looked back on some older conversations because I remember having some chats with you in the “What’s outside your picture window?” group…then there was a lag. And I just realized that you had some event in February and that was the start of your tiredness and weight loss.
Have you had a second opinion? “Total Fatigue”, for me, would be a questionable diagnosis out of the blue. Were you checked for Lyme Disease? Any latent EBV or CMV? It’s weird that your life changed so abruptly without some cause, especially if your blood numbers are good. Though you did say your Hb is down. Did you have your ferritin level checked? There are a number of members in our Covid Vaccination group who have experienced drops in their RBC, Hb and ferritin levels. I’m just curious if you’ve had that checked?
I know your background is laboratory & blood analysis so my asking you is like a student asking the teacher. 😂. But this level of fatigue, I’d want to know more! And especially since you’ve lost so much weight too.
Too bad you’re not up where I live, there’s a Drive thru chain with Concrete Malts…if you want a guarantee to put on pounds…that’s your secret to success right there…and elastic waist pants! 😂

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@loribmt Nice to hear from you again. I have no idea what happened but starting in Feb. 2022 I started to get a lack of O2 in my legs. They got really wobbly and weak. As time went on I was having a hard time just getting meals prepared. Then I was too tired and was not hungry so the pounds, I guess started melting away. I lost all my fat and some muscle tone. Some of it is because of my age. I was to have surgery on 4/18/2022 but that did not happen. The first week of March, I saw my OB. lung Dr., and PCP. I could hardly walk into my appts. without help walking. But none of them sent me to the ER. That was on Thursday and on Sunday I called 911 and had critical cardio labs and afib. Then my journey began, I went upstairs to the main hospital for three weeks, moved to the rehab hospital for three weeks, and then to extended care till May 5th when I finally returned home (gone almost 3 months). My house is a war zone, the other half did not do much inside but took care of the farm and cattle.
I was told that my body was in total, total fatigue mode. I have seen so many Drs., Cardio, PT, OT, ST, Resp, FNP, PA, Endo, and many more. I can not remember much, it is such a blur and still trying to put a timeline together. I finally see my PCP tomorrow and hope we can figure out, which drug was ordered by who and why. I have been having so many side effects from all the new meds. I would like to throw some in the trash. On another note, my Hb was 13.4 throughout all my journey. The only thing is last year my TSH started climbing and was not addressed until I was in extended care. Now going down toward normal.
Now my main problem is my BP which is running low and lower when I stand up. Cardio says I have CHF. I only afib once and nothing else in my life. I am so confused and told this is as good as it gets. I am trying to do a little more each day as I can. Last two nights I have gone out in the year to water a couple of trees that seem to be dying in this heat. It felt good to be outside in the fresh air at night. I did have an angio when I first went into the ER. I was told my heart was clean with problems from the good old country living. I do have an echo coming soon that may give a better idea of how I am progressing. I hope I have answered some or all of your questions. Thanks for being a good caring listener. Please keep me posted on how you are doing. Stay healthy. KLH
PS We do have an Andy's Custard and DQ for malts, they are 30 miles away from the farm.