← Return to BA.5 omicron variant fueling latest COVID-19 surge

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Still sounds very contradicting to me. It says the shots and previous infections do not protect you , yet you won't be hospitalized for this variant, so why keep dong the shots, if natural immunity protects the same, if not longer than the vaccines last then we should be ok if people are not getting hospitalized for it.

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Replies to "Still sounds very contradicting to me. It says the shots and previous infections do not protect..."

With this new hyper contagious virus, there are more reinfections. He is saying that no vaccine is 100% perfect and with the evolution of the virus and it being very contagious, more so than the last one, if you are vaccinated you are now more likely to get infected but you are not likely to die. Even if you had Covid, it doesn’t give you the immunity that it did in the past. Reinfections are occurring for people who have been vaccinated, who have had Covid, and who have the hybrid of being vaccinated and having had Covid. He is also saying that you really don’t want to get Covid twice. People who have it twice run higher risk for getting diabetes and other bad conditions. Read the transcript for more on this. So in short to answer your question, get vaccinated to prevent severe disease, and to prevent getting Covid twice.

So you won't die.