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Well, I'm impressed! I didn't know we could change blood types. I am O+, clearly a mosquito's favorite meal!

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Replies to "Well, I'm impressed! I didn't know we could change blood types. I am O+, clearly a..."

I didn’t know we could change blood types either! But through the “miracle of modern science and better living through chemistry” I’m living proof it can be done.
Three years ago I was diagnosed with AML-an aggressive form of leukemia. Chemo got me to remission. But because a couple of random mutations had occurred, they rendered my current immune system obsolete (no longer able to detect and destroy cancer cells) that put me in a high category for relapse. A bone marrow transplant was my only option if I didn’t want to be pushing up daisies from the underside.
Through the unselfish donation of stem cells from an anonymous, unrelated, 20 year old male donor, I am alive today. He was my 1 (of 2) in 22,000,000 on the registry who matched me. I’m now a Chimera with 2 sets of DNA, carry his blood type and his bone marrow…giving me a new immune system to replace my defective factory installed model. He’s type 0+. I was formerly B+.
So if you wonder what gives me awe? That does! Science, medicine, education, research that can give someone a completely new immune system so they get a second chance at life. I don’t take one day or one moment for granted any more. I enjoy every small or simple pleasure.

And though I said in a previous reply that I’m not inspired by God, it doesn’t mean that I don’t believe there is an entity of higher power. I just don’t know! Being from a deeply religious family, I even attended parochial school. But I had to question things after a number of tragedies over the years. However, during my illness and recovery, being privy to the intricacies of the human body where every cell, every minute detail interfaces with something else, and this is repeated in every single living entity on this earth, I couldn’t help but feel…and I am very loosely paraphrasing a quotation by Voltaire here, but it became increasingly difficult to imagine a watch without a watch maker.
So no matter how I arrived at this point in my life, I am in awe of the fact that I am still here. That with my new blood type of 0+ , mosquitoes clearly see me as that fresh steaming bowl of biscuits and gravy on the counter at Golden Corral! 🦟 And can leave me with welts the size of a grapefruit! 😉

I’m 0 negative and they love me