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I saw my new pcp today for first time. She asked me how long I have had a pronounced heart murmur. I informed he that in my 68 years I have never been told that I have one. From what I have read on Connect, with all the stress my body has been under with crpd pain, is it true that it can start to effect internal organs or am I just being paranoid Now having to get echo. Just one more thing to add to the list. I was hoping the list may start getting shorter but I quess not. Thanks for listning. I feel better just getting it out. Darryl

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Replies to "I saw my new pcp today for first time. She asked me how long I have..."

Hello @drg24242

I was intrigued by your post as I also have a heart murmur. Whether or not this could be caused by stress from CRPD pain is not something that I could answer.

I would advise you to wait until you have the Echocardiogram to see which valve is causing the murmur and whether or not there is leakage/regurgitation from that valve. Please know that there are heart murmurs that are considered "innocent" and don't cause problems with heart function. Here is a link to some information from the Mayo Clinic website titled, "Heart Murmurs," https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-murmurs/symptoms-causes/syc-20373171.
Do you have an appointment scheduled for the Echo?

Hi, My name is Doreen. I have had CRPS type 2 since 3_2006. CRPS can go to any body part it feels like. This is a fact. Most Cardio doctors do not know what CRPS is let alone know what it may do to a person. I am in a Face book group called Positivity with CRPS/RSD.ORG. Susan is the administrator. She will gladly answer any question you might have. Everyone in the group helps each other. No nasty posts ever get posted. Please join. We meet every evening. We go thru many books on how to live with this. We laugh a lot too. All the meeting are available in the group files. This group is recognized by CRPS.Org