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Alpha Lipoic to help with incontinence.

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Feb 24 5:10pm | Replies (46)

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Hi Chris!
The new medication, Myrbetrig sounds interesting. However, the reason I'm using Alpha Lipoic is that it works for me and very few medications do. I react even to Tylenol and all pain medications! I tried Alpha Lipoic quite by accident with no side effects which is unusual for me! It made the incontinence decrease somewhat where I could live with it until I see my doctor in Oct. I'm not sure what kind of incontinence I have. By the way, I mentioned in my initial comment that I had a reflux injection. That is incorrect. It was a deflux injection. That lasted for 9 years!

I hope your bladder surgery goes well! That would be great! Are you having it done at the Mayo Clinic? They really are the best. That's why I go to their website to get information about health issues. If I lived closer, I'd go to the Mayo Clinic. (I live in Edmonds WA.)
I wish you the best for your surgery! I will remember you in my prayers!


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Replies to "Hi Chris! The new medication, Myrbetrig sounds interesting. However, the reason I'm using Alpha Lipoic is..."

Hi there, thanks for the clarification. So last night I read about the reflux injection. I am glad to know about it. How old were you when you received it?
